Sunday, May 1st Readings

3rd Sunday of Easter

Opening Prayer

Savior God

I cry out Lord, Lord

and you answer my plea.

In my darkest hour,

YOU come to me

YOU give me comfort

because YOU know what it feels like to suffer.

May I sing YOUR praises forevermore

My Lord, my Deliverer, my Redeemer!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41

  • Have you ever been confronted about a wrongdoing? What was the situation and how was it resolved?
  • How does it feel to be accused of something whether you did it or didn’t do it? Are the feelings similar or different? Explain.

Revelation 5:11-14

  • Describe how the universe cries out to give God glory.
  • What can you do to show glory and give honor to God today? Be specific.

John 21:1-19 or 21:1-14

  • Are you seeking Jesus? Where do you look? Is your search easy or difficult?
  • John recognized Jesus on the shore; where do you see Jesus today?
  • Jesus cooks breakfast on the shore for His friends; how can you express your love to your family and friends without expectation?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Are there teachings in the church which you don’t talk about because you don’t understand them? What keeps you from learning about these things?
  • What is your favorite thing about your faith? How do you know it is your favorite?
  • Where do you feel most comfortable sharing your faith? With whom do you share it? How can you stretch your reach a little this week?
  • When have you gone against the law? Why did you? Did you get caught?  Were there consequences suffered? Would you do it again?
  • Do you have a “pain plan” on how to deal with suffering or loss in your life? These experiences are inevitable, how can you prepare yourself to be able to get through the hard times?
  • How could you being prepared to deal with your pain help others?
  • What are you doing to keep Easter alive in your life right now?
  • Where is God calling you to care for others? How are you called to care for others?
  • Have you missed your call or are you already living it out and need to be renewed in your passion?

Closing Prayer

Leader: Lord, you await me on the seashore

ALL:  to welcome me onto solid ground!

Leader:  Lord, you await me on the seashore

ALL:  to give me a warm embrace!

Leader:  Lord, you await me on the seashore

ALL:  to help satisfy my needs!

Leader:  Lord, you await me on the seashore

ALL:  to share with me our daily bread!

Leader:  Lord, you await me on the seashore

ALL: to remind me of my call!

Leader:  Lord, you await me on the seashore

ALL:  to restore my faith!

Challenge for the Week:  Each and every person suffers at one time or another. At some time or another, you will make sacrifices for another person, for your job or for your health.  These sacrifices of time or money, for the sake of another person can become a point of contention for some people and they make sure everyone knows that they made this or these sacrifices either for your sake or for the sake of someone else.  It can be worn as a badge of honor or a brought up as a reminder to show power.  Sometimes the sacrifices made just sound like complaints or regrets.

Consider if Jesus took this same attitude of complaining or regretting the sacrifice He made when dying on the cross. It is something to reflect upon, to make sure that the sacrifices you make on behalf of another person are not used as leverage in your relationship, rather the sacrifices are made out of love. You never hear of Jesus complaining about His suffering or how sacrificing His life for the good of all people was a mistake. 

Instead, you see Jesus modeling what to do when you are suffering or sacrificing yourself, and that is to turn towards God in the midst of His suffering.  God cannot remove the pain, but He will sit there with you through it. The pain Jesus had to go through and His sacrificing Himself had to happen so that the resurrection could happen!  It is an example of how good can come from sacrifice.  How might your life be different if Jesus didn’t go through the pain of Good Friday in order to restore humanity by raising from the dead at Easter?

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Sunday of Divine Mercy – 2nd Sunday of Easter

Sunday, April 24th Readings

Opening Prayer

Lord Jesus

I know the wounds are real

when I look at people suffering.

I feel the pain of injustice

when I see malnourishment.

The scars aren’t always visible

but I know they are there.

Move me to be the hands, feet and heart

…that bring comfort

…that bring justice

…that bring peace

May the joy of the resurrection

bring healing to a hurting world!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 5:12-16

  • Do you know someone who needs to be healed? How can you bring them comfort?
  • How does God’s message heal you?

Revelation 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19

  • When have you needed strength to overcome? Where did the strength come from?  Who gave it to you?
  • Why are people afraid of the unknown? What makes it scary?

John 20:19-31

  • Jesus breathes the Holy Spirit unto the disciples and they are moved into action, how does the Holy Spirit move you into action? How long has it been since you let the Holy Spirit move you?
  • What makes you believe in the resurrection? Does Thomas’ testimony help you believe?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Where do you see signs that God is alive today?
  • Have you ever witnessed a miracle? Explain/Describe.
  • How many times in a day, week, month, or year do you believe a miracle happens?
  • Define love. Make a list of all the things you love.
  • Is there only one type of love or many? How many types of love can you identify? What are the characteristics of each kind of love?
  • Can good come from suffering? Can you share an example?
  • Is suffering necessary? Why or why not?
  • What causes you fear?
  • Have you ever been paralyzed by fear? What was the circumstance?
  • How is fear overcome? What do you do to conquer your fear? What advice do you give to others on how to overcome their own fears, ex. a child and the monster in the closet?
  • Do you think people fear forgiveness? Why or why not?
  • Where is peace found? How does someone find it?

Closing Prayer

Leader: Lord, in my weakness

ALL:  YOU are strong!

Leader:  Lord, in my questioning

ALL:  YOU are the answer!

Leader:  Lord, in my sin

ALL:  YOU are forgiveness!

Leader:  Lord, in my struggle

ALL:  YOU are calm!

Leader:  Lord, in my confusion

ALL: YOU are clarity!

Leader:  Lord, in mt life

ALL:  YOU are the WAY!

Challenge for the Week:  Easter is the biggest Christian celebration and sign of our faith.  It is so important it lasts for 50 days which is longer than Advent (4 weeks before Christmas) and Lent (40 days before Easter).  How can you continue to live the Easter message for the next 50 days?  What message do you feel God is calling you to send?  Is there an injustice you can serve by volunteering your time?  Is there a person in need of support or company?  Where can you bring resurrection or new life?  Take this Easter season as seriously as you do your Lenten sacrifice and spread the Good News that Jesus is alive!!!

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Holy Saturday Prayer Guide

Easter Vigil/Holy Saturday

Opening Prayer


I am confident, yet afraid.

I put my trust in You, my soul rests.

I shall sing Your praises all my days.

You have overcome the darkness

          and bring me new life! Alleluia!

Reflection Questions

1st Reading – Genesis 1:1 – 2:2

  • The story of creation is often thought of to be a children’s story, but it is even more for adults.  What did you hear this year which you have not heard before?  Sometimes when you know a story so well, you don’t listen as closely.  Listen again for the message God wants you to hear today.
  • Create your own creation scene, draw and color while you meditate on the gifts each day of creation brings and give thanks to the Creator!

2nd Reading – Genesis 22:1-18

  • On a scale from 1-10, how confident are you to respond, “Here I am, Lord” when God calls you?
  • How do you think God celebrates when you listen and obey his commands?

3rd Reading – Exodus 14:15 – 15:1

  • What does this scripture story mean to you?  What does it tell you about God and His relationship with the Israelite’s?
  • How does God use Moses?  Do you believe He can use you in a similar way?  Explain.

4th Reading – Isaiah 54:5-14

  • Does this scripture bring you comfort and confidence or does it leave you concerned and in doubt?  Explain the difference and be specific.  What other words would you use to describe how this scripture makes you feel?
  • What is the ultimate message God’s trying to communicate through this scripture?

5th Reading – Isaiah 55:1-11

  • Share one way God has provided for you in the past week.  Was it something you asked for and received or was it something God did without you even acknowledging it?
  • What keeps you from having 100% confidence in God providing your needs?  Is it because his timing is different than your own or is it something else?

6th Reading – Baruch 3:9-15,32 – 4:4

  • Identify where you see God’s splendor.  What do these places/things say to you when you are in their presence?
  • Describe the feelings you get when you listen to or read the words of this scripture.  What do you imagine?  Can you put it into words?

7th Reading – Ezekiel 36:16-17a,18-28

  • Where does the myth that ‘people who follow God do not suffer’ come from? Even God’s people in the Old Testament had to suffer loss, devastation and hardships.  How does this make you feel?
  • What is the purpose of God giving us a ‘new heart’, what does this mean?

Epistle – Romans 6:3-11

  • What images and/or feelings come to mind when you hear the word BAPTISM.
  • How do you plan to continue to live out your baptism?  Does the renewal of baptismal promises give you a boost of energy and purpose, why or why not?

Gospel Reading – Matthew 28:1-10

  • Are there people in your life whom you cannot celebrate the glory of the resurrection with because of unbelief or difference of beliefs?  How can you still bring the glory of the resurrection to those you love without judgment or shame?
  • How do you anticipate you will react when you see Jesus face to face?  Can you imagine the scenario?  Describe in detail what happens.

Closing Prayer

Leader:  God’s mercy endures forever…

ALL:  Alleluia!

Leader:  What wondrous deeds God has done..

ALL:  Alleluia!

Leader:  Give thanks for God is good…

ALL:  Alleluia!

Leader:  You shall not die, but live forever…

ALL:  Alleluia!

Challenge for Good Friday:  You think you have had a tough week; what about Jesus, Mary and the Disciples!  In the Church, Holy Week is one of the most important times of ritual and tradition. It is a series of ups and downs, back to back to back to back. Each day, beginning with Holy Thursday has specific elements which need to be present in order to make the celebration meaningful. 

Planning for these four days and potentially five, six or seven separate services, begins almost immediately after the Christmas Season comes to an end. Those who work in the church basically go directly from planning the celebration of Jesus’ birth to getting things prepared for his death. The planning and preparation to make the celebration of the Triduum stand out validates their importance in the Church and for those who follow Jesus.

These three days impact deeply the relationship you have with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Through the celebrations, the journey of Jesus is brought to life for all the faithful to experience with their whole heart, soul and mind. Even if you only attend the Easter Sunday service, the power and beauty of God’s love is revealed for each and every person there. The goal being to inspire all.  

Whether you gather in a community for these celebrations in person or virtually, the goal for all is to connect with God more deeply. The celebration of each day of the Triduum brings deeper understanding of not only God but of yourself and your relationship with others. When you dive into them, you are more likely to feel the joy of the resurrection and be inspired by it. Although the scripts of each day do not change, you are a different person each year you hear the stories. You may hear something new or hear it in a different way, coming to understand more clearly God’s plan for you. What do you hear God saying to you now? How has the Triduum inspired you this year?

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Good Friday Prayer Guide

Good Friday

Opening Prayer – Psalm 31:15-16

My trust is in you, O Lord;

     I say, “You are my God.

          In your hands is my destiny;   

               rescue me from the clutches

    of my enemies and my persecutors.”

Reflection Questions

1st Reading – Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12

  • Jesus studied this scripture.  How does the knowledge that this scripture was written long before Jesus was born affect your faith?  Be specific.
  • Each line of the scripture can be connected to an action in the Gospel, is it easier to listen to the words spoken or easier to read them in silence?

2nd Reading – Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9

  • How does the tone of this scripture differ from the first reading? Do you think you need to read the first reading to have a fuller understanding of what the second reading is about or would it have the same meaning if it stood alone?
  • What sin do you lay on Jesus?

Gospel Reading – John 18:1 – 19:42

  • Who else has identified themselves as “I am”?  Where have you heard this before, with whom and what is the connection?
  • Share a time when you were able to relate to Jesus in this scripture.  Be specific about how knowing Jesus suffered with you, helped you through your own suffering.

Closing Prayer

Leader:  So it may be fulfilled

ALL:  Jesus was betrayed.

Leader:  So it may be fulfilled

ALL:  Jesus was beaten.

Leader:  So it may be fulfilled

ALL:  Jesus was pierced.

Leader:  So it may be fulfilled

ALL:  Jesus died to save all God’s people from sin and death!

Challenge for Good Friday:  Death is a known known. Anything that is born, will also die. It is inevitable. Why is death difficult? Why is it something to be feared? Are there things you want to achieve before you die? 

Jesus said, “It is finished”. He had completed His task. Take time today to spend talking to God about what your task is and how you will work to complete it so then at the time of your death, you too can be confident in letting go of this life and embrace the next!

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Holy Thursday Prayer Guide

Holy Thursday

Opening Prayer

I will call upon the Lord

          and He shall answer!

I shall give thanks and praise

          for all the Lord has done!


Reflection Questions

1st Reading – Exodus 12:1-8,11-14

  • Do you hide Christ in your life? In your conversations? In your home? What can you do to reveal him?
  • How do others know you are a Christian?

2nd Reading – 1Corinthians 11:23-26

  • When you hear these words prayed during the Eucharistic Celebration of Mass, who do you invite to the table with you?
  • What do the words, “do this in remembrance of me” mean to you?

Gospel Reading – John 13:1-15

  • Jesus says, “Do you know what I have done for you?” He isn’t only speaking to the disciples when he says to go and do; He is speaking to you too. Identify 2-3 things you will do this Easter Season to follow Jesus’ example.
  • Jesus knows His disciples will scatter in fear, what do you think allows him to stay and celebrate the Passover meal with His friends and wash their feet?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Shown in hospitality;

ALL:  love as I have loved. 

Leader:  Shown in compassion;

ALL:  love as I have loved. 

Leader:  Shown in sacrifice;

ALL:  love as I have loved.

Leader:  Jesus…

ALL:  you have shown me how to love!

Challenge for Holy Thursday:  It is common practice for Jesus to be placed at the altar at the end of Holy Thursday’s Mass for the faithful to stay and participate in what in the Catholic Church calls Adoration.  This time is set aside specifically on the Thursday before Easter during Holy Week, to practice in real time staying awake for Jesus.  It is an opportunity to join Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane where He went to pray before He was arrested.  The ritual generally lasts until Midnight and then Jesus is removed to imitate how He had been taken into custody. 

Set aside an hour to be with Jesus.  You choose how you will spend the time.  You can sit in silence or pray the Rosary or light candles or write a prayer or draw a mandala; it is your choice how to spend this specific hour with Jesus. 

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Sunday, April 17th Readings


Opening Prayer


Each new day brings

new promise

Even when it is dark

and cold and rugged

The path to YOU

is filled with opportunity

To walk with YOU

is a great adventure!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 10:34, 37-43

  • How is your life a witness to all God has accomplished through Jesus’ birth, teachings, miracles, parables, suffering, death, and resurrection? Reflect and see if you can come up with an example of how each experience has been lived out in your life. Allow God to speak to you through each reflection.
  • Identify your source of strength when you witness (testify) to God’s love, mercy, forgiveness, etc.

Colossians 3:1-4

  • How have you died to allow God to live?
  • What about heaven do you most long for? Describe what you will see, feel, hear, touch and smell.

John 20:1-9

  • Can you relate to the fear the women and the disciples had when they saw the tomb open? Share a specific experience and how it affects your perspective.
  • What makes you believe in Jesus’ resurrection? How do you believe in what you have not seen?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Reflect on your Lent. What is one theme or similar reoccurrence that happened; what can you learn from the experience? What might God want you to learn? Could God have made you witness to these situations in order to communicate with you? What message are you called to carry through Easter?
  • What is it about Jesus that you love? Be specific and explain your answer.
  • Where do you turn when you are seeking an answer to a decision or facing a hard choice? Where is Jesus in the decision-making process?
  • How do you hide your faith from others? Who are those whom you hide your faith from and why? Are the people whom you hide your faith the ones who most need to hear the message?
  • Draw a picture of your heart. What does it look like? What does it contain? Use your imagination to create an image of the condition of your heart.
  • Where do you see compassion lived out in the world, your community, your family? From your view is compassion in a draught season or a harvest season? Give an example.
  • Does compassion come easy for you or is it something you work hard to share? What is the difference?
  • Where have you experienced compassion this Lent? Did this experience bring you closer to God? Why or why not?
  • Describe what it means to be at peace.
  • How has your Lenten experience helped you prepare for the Triduum?
  • What fear has kept you from experiencing Lent fully? Be specific.
  • How did what you gave up or took on this Lent help you to grow in relationship with Jesus? How did it help you to grow in relationship with others? How has it changed you?

Closing Prayer

Leader: May I surrender myself

ALL:  for the sake of the Gospel.

Leader:  May I pursue justice

ALL:  for the sake of the Gospel.

Leader:  May I seek and give reconciliation

ALL:  for the sake of the Gospel.

Leader:  May I turn away from sin

ALL:  for the sake of the Gospel.

Leader:  May I relinquish my own will

ALL:  for the sake of the Gospel.

Leader:  May I open the tomb within

ALL:  and live out the Gospel!

Challenge for the Week:  This week try to keep count of the positive things you witness and use your words and actions to encourage those who displayed the behavior. Then try to use the examples you “witnessed” to be a “witness” (testify) to the good you saw in others. It could be something as simple as sharing how you saw someone open and hold the door for another, witnessed a simple act of kindness or charity, or were witness to an act of mercy or forgiveness. It is easy to get complacent after surviving Lent and Holy Week. This challenge can help you keep your focus on the goodness of God and not be tempted by evils in the world and slide into thinking of yourself first. Remember, the disciples didn’t stand still once they discovered the tomb was open. They went out and began to spread the Good News, being witness of all Jesus came to share. This Easter, allow Jesus’ light to shine through your words and actions!

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Sunday, April 10th Readings


Opening Prayer


Your example brings joy

but it also brings pain.

Open my heart to understand

both the joy and pain.

Help me to know You more deeply

as I experience both in the scriptures.


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 50 :4-7

  • Define a well-trained tongue. Would you say your tongue is well trained?
  • Where do you see God each morning? How do you know He has your back?
  • From whose perspective is this reading? What does it tell you about speaking out against injustice?
  • What does God promise to those who hear His word and act on it?

 Philippians 2:6-11

  • How have you emptied yourself to Christ this Lenten season? It is not too late.
  • How does your body language show respect or disrespect to God when you pray? How can you better show the reverence you say you have with your words, through your body language?

 Luke 22:14-23:56

  • What have you done to reject God in the last month, week, day, hour? What was the “benefit” we received?
  • When did you last serve another person? How did you serve them? What was your motivation? What was their response?
  • If you were there on the day of Jesus’ crucifixion, could you have stayed with Jesus until the very end? Who in this scripture can you relate to the most?  Why?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Where do you see God each morning? How do you know He has your back?
  • Who are the people in your life who have your back? How do you know?
  • Name qualities of a humble person. Do you have any of these qualities? Do you know anyone who does?
  • What gets in your way when you try to give your time to Jesus in prayer? What distracts you?
  • If you believe Jesus is the King of Glory, how do you show your obedience to Him?
  • What are some changes which cause anticipation? What are some changes which cause anxiety? How are they the same? How are they different?
  • Is there some discomfort when standing up for what is right? Explain.
  • What do you say is the opposite of love? Hate? Fear? Distrust? Selfishness?  Or something else? How does the opposite you choose affect your definition of love?
  • When was the last time you defended your faith to another? Where is the line of defending and being hypocritical?
  • Are there areas in your life where you have fallen asleep? How might God be calling you to wake up?
  • Have you ever been in a state of extreme physical pain? How were you able to cope?
  • Have you been with someone who has been in extreme physical pain? What can you do to help those who suffer?

Closing Prayer

Leader: At dawn

ALL:  YOU bring the sunrise to wake me.

Leader:  In the morning

ALL:  YOU clear the fog and give me a new day.

Leader:  During the day

ALL:  YOU are in each person and thing I see.

Leader:  In the evening

ALL:  YOU bring the night to slow me down.

Leader:  At bedtime

ALL:  YOU give me comfort as I rest.

Leader:  Each day

ALL:  YOU are with me to begin again!

Challenge for the Week:  Choose a scripture passage (limit to 3-5 words) from this weekend’s readings to focus on this week. As Holy Week approaches it is easy to get wrapped up in the ritual and movement, forgetting the meaning behind all of the pomp and circumstance. Use the scripture passage you chose to connect in a deeper way to the experience of Jesus, of the people around Him and the situation at hand. Seek to find a connection to an experience or situation you are currently or recently have been dealing with and then determine how God is leading you to conversion through this experience or situation. What will your scriptural mantra be this week???

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting