Sunday, June 19th Readings

Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ

Opening Prayer


You came to earth to live

        so I might know you better.

You taught how to live life

        by the commandments.

You showed how to care for one another

        by giving comfort and healing.

You gather your friends around the table

        to share a meal but You share so much more.

May I forever seek to be in communion with You

        by living my life as You call me to live!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Genesis 14:18-20

  • How does this scripture still ring true today? Give an example.
  • Bread and wine: reflect on the qualities of these two things, how are they made, where to do they come from, are they hard to find, are they only reserved for specific people?

1 Corinthians 11:23-26

  • What is the significance of giving the bread and wine separately? Are there specific values for each one individually? What are they?
  • This ritual is done in remembrance of what? Write down what it means to you and what Jesus wants you to remember through this meal.

Luke 9:11b-17

  • What is the importance of blessing the food?
  • Jesus again finds Himself working all day, giving of Himself to the crowds and then having to give even more. What can you learn from Jesus’ reaction and action in this scripture about giving?

General Questions for Journaling

  • How do you receive the gifts of bread and wine? 
  • What do you to prepare to receive Jesus’ body and blood?
  • Can you ever have too much Jesus?
  • Explain in your own words what it means to you to receive Jesus’ body and blood.
  • Does taking communion on Sunday change you? Why or why not?
  • What does it feel like to be hungry? Thirsty?
  • How do you show gratitude for the gifts of Jesus’ body and blood? 
  • When have you ever been asked to give more than what you had? How did you feel? Were you able to satisfy the need or was more still needed?
  • What needs are in front of you yearning to be met? How long have they been there? Do you believe they will be met on their own?
  • Who can you help this week to fulfill a need? Look around for a friend or family member who is seeking and lend a hand.

Closing Prayer

Leader:  You gather your people together

ALL:  To share more than a meal

Leader:  You gather your people together

ALL:  To give of ourselves

Leader:  You gather your people together

ALL:  To receive nourishment

Leader:  You gather your people together

ALL:  To find peace

Leader:  You gather your people together

ALL:  To make a connection

Leader:  You gather your people together

ALL:  To be in union with YOU!

Challenge for the Week:  As humans we ALL share some very basic needs…we need to eat and we need to drink.  If we do not eat or drink, we do not live.  Do you think it is a coincidence that Jesus then wants us to remember him in these two forms?  He is telling us to eat His body and drink His blood because without it, we cannot live.  Spend time reflecting on this truth and what it means not only to you but to all humankind.

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