Sunday, January 1st Readings

Mary Mother of God

Opening Prayer

God of heaven and earth

How must Mary have felt,

          going through all of these trials?

What did she think,

          about journeying away from home?

Was she sad

          because her mother wasn’t with her?

Did she struggle

          with believing what the Angel said?

How did others treat her

          when they saw she was pregnant?

Help me to connect with Mary

          so I might learn how to let my faith

          overcome obstacles!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Numbers 6:22-27

  • Who in your life right now needs to hear that they are a blessing to you? Practice how you will tell them.
  • How have you felt blessed by others this year? How can you let them know you are grateful?

Galatians 4:4-7

  • Have you ever considered yourself as adopted by God? What does that look like? What does that feel like?
  • How does the birth of a child bring fullness? Is it the same or different than when Jesus was born? How?

Luke 2:16-21

  • Have you been given a message to share like the shepherds? What is the message?
  • Spend time reflecting on what the birth of Jesus means to you? What do you conclude?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Where do you see blessing? Is there anything you can do to contribute?
  • Make a top ten list of blessings with the date on it and put it in your bible.
  • Do you feel uncomfortable receiving compliments? Why or why not?
  • Do you feel uncomfortable giving compliments? Why or why not?
  • Have you ever tried to hide from God? Do you think God hides from you?
  • Would you define yourself as a slave? What are you a slave to?
  • What do you treasure? What makes it so special?
  • When have you been amazed? Was it recently or a long time ago? 
  • How do you describe the feeling of being amazed? 
  • What do you describe as being amazing? What makes it so?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, when I feel unworthy…

ALL:  bless me with the Spirit of Grace!

Leader:  Lord, when I am in despair…

ALL:  bless me with the Spirit of Hope!

Leader:  Lord, when I feel neglected…

ALL:  bless me with the Spirit of Love!

Leader:  Lord, when I feel incomplete…

ALL:  bless me with the Spirit of Wholeness!

Leader:  Lord, when I are full of worry…

ALL:  Bless me with the Spirit of Peace!

Challenge for the Week:  Take time to reflect on the past year.  There have been good things and bad things happen; how have these things affected you?  What do you have to look forward to in the New Year?  Are there things which you are dreading to face?  What have you learned this year that can help you overcome any obstacles in the coming year?  Are you making resolutions half-heartedly for the sake of “tradition” or are you spending time to make a change for good?  Spend time in reflection on the scripture readings of the birth of Jesus, focusing on each of the people in the story from the Innkeeper to Joseph to the Angels to Mary to the Shepherds, each person has a message for you…what is it and how can it help you make resolutions for 2023?

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab and copy and start the journey!

Sunday, December 25th Readings

Nativity of the Lord – Christmas

Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father,

Let this Christmas season

be eclipsed by Your Son, Jesus.

May I find peace in the things

that don’t go the way I want them to.

May I give thanks for what I have

without comparing it to others.

Let the wonder of His love

be shown in my words and actions.

Not only towards others

          but towards myself as well.


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 62:11-12

  • What reward does Jesus bring to you this season?
  • How do you hold remembrance for loved ones, especially during Christmas?

Titus 3:4-7

  • The birth of Jesus can be a metaphor for many things; what will it be in your life this year?
  • Jesus’ birth is an opportunity for you be renewed. How might you be renewed?
  • What has been poured out into your life this past year? Write a prayer about it.

Luke 2:15-20

  • Where or from whom did you first hear about Jesus? Do you remember what you thought or how you felt? Explain.
  • What message do you share about Jesus’ coming? Give a specific example.

General Questions for Journaling

  • Identify things in your home that proclaim your faith. Are they there only during Christmas or all year around?
  • What gift do you want Jesus to bring you this Christmas?
  • Make a promise to yourself (tie a ribbon on your pinky finger as a reminder) that when you encounter a difficult person/conversation/situation where you’d normally engage in a negative way, to instead show mercy, kindness, or walk away.
  • Choose one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit to focus on. Either choose one for the entire year or pick one per month to focus on increasing in your life.
  • Where can you be light for someone this season?
  • Is there a situation in your life that you’ve been hiding; what does shining a light on it do? Consider if it is time to do so.
  • What is your favorite childhood memory about Christmas?
  • What tradition/traditions have you carried from your childhood that you still participate in today?
  • Do you have a nativity scene? What does it look like? Where did you get it?  ow is it displayed? Describe what it means to you.
  • When you reflect on the nativity scene, where do you picture yourself?
  • If you were there when Jesus was born, what would you say to Mary and Joseph?
  • How do you feel about the story of Jesus’ birth?
  • How is Jesus’ birth similar and different from any birth? Explain.
  • What song or songs of the season do you need to listen to so you feel the Christmas spirit?

Closing Prayer – Psalm 97

Leader:  A light will shine on this day

ALL:  the Lord is born.

Leader:  The Lord is king

ALL:  let all the earth rejoice.

Leader:  The heavens proclaim

ALL: the glory of this baby king.

Leader:  Light dawns and justice reigns

ALL:  there is peace and gladness.

Leader:  Give thanks to His holy name

ALL:  give thanks and praise.

Leader:  A light will shine on this day

ALL:  the savior is born!

Challenge for the WeekChristmas is filled with family traditions and celebrations.  One of those traditions may include going to Church, but is that the only way you celebrate Jesus’ birthday?  Think about the family traditions you have when you celebrate a birthday of someone in your family?  What do you do?  Who do you invite to celebrate?  How do you make the person feel special?  What do you do for a friend when it is their birthday?  How can you do the same for Jesus?  What family traditions do you have, or can you start to celebrate Jesus’ birthday?  Who can you invite to be a part of the celebration?  How do you make Jesus feel special at the birthday party?  Take time to plan out how you will celebrate Jesus’ birthday this year!

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab and copy and start the journey!

Sunday, December 18th Readings

4th Sunday of Advent

Opening Prayer

Precious Lord

I await Your coming!

I prepare for Your arrival!



May I be ready!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 7:10-14

  • Do you believe God’s plan included Jesus coming to earth from the beginning? Why or why not? What does this tell us about God if it was or was not?
  • God gave a sign to Ahaz. Do you think God still sends signs to people on earth?
  • Where do you see signs of God? (in the World? Community? Church? Family? Yourself?)

Romans 1:1-7

  • What makes Jesus’ life story so different than other great men in history? Who is responsible for sharing His story?
  • How does the “Spirit of holiness” emerge from your life?
  • Saint Paul describes himself as a slave for Christ. What do you know about Paul which validates this statement? Do you exhibit any of these qualities?

Matthew 1:18-24

  • What do you learn about Joseph in this scripture?
  • What do you learn about God in this scripture?
  • What would have happened if Joseph didn’t listen to God and followed through with his intention of divorcing Mary?
  • Emmanuel means “God with us”. Jesus was born unto us to be with us always. How is this lived out in the Gospels? How is this lived out today?

General Questions for Journaling

  • How do you share your faithfulness to God to your children and/or grandchildren, or other children in your life?
  • If it was your job to give the sermon or homily on Christmas, what would you say?
  • What characteristics does Joseph possess that you value in a man? Husband? Father?
  • How is sleeping on a decision an act of prayer?
  • Can you recall a dream you had where God spoke to you?
  • Are there any big decisions you need to discern at this time? How are you creating space for you to work out the problem and allow God into the decision making?
  • Do you feel weary? What causes you to feel weary?
  • Do you think God ever gets tired? Why or why not?
  • Have you ever ignored a sign from God? Share.
  • Is there someone in your life who steals your peace? What can you do to share it with them instead of being angry they disrupted it?
  • Define obedience. What are some examples of obedience? How are you obedient? To whom? To what?
  • Are there things that stand in your way of having a positive attitude? What causes the negative to overcome?
  • When you think about Christmas, does it give you peace and joy or are you overwhelmed with stress? What can you do to let go of some of your stress?
  • What message do these scriptures send which you need to hear this year? What sign is God giving you?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, let me not forget

ALL:  the serenity of a new day.

Leader:  Lord, let me not forget

ALL:  the smell of a newborn child.

Leader:  Lord, let me not forget

ALL: there is joy in waiting.

Leader:  Lord, let me not forget

ALL:  there is peace in knowing.

Leader:  Lord, let me not forget

ALL:  the promises made and kept.

Leader:  Lord, let me not forget

ALL:  I am yours!

Challenge for the Week:  Signs are made to welcome people home, to say happy birthday, to attach to a car announcing, “Just Married”, to share good news.  You might also see signs at sporting events with catchy phrases, hoping to catch the eye of the camera man so your message can be seen.  While some signs share a positive message, there are some that reflect negative messages such as signs displayed during a protest or boycott.  Whatever the message on the sign, the purpose is the same; for it to be seen and for people to take notice.  This week as you make final preparations for Jesus’ coming at Christmas, imagine you are holding a sign right now.  What does your sign say?  What do you want it to say?  What message do you want Jesus to see when He comes?  Then if you are able, actually create your sign and put it up somewhere you can be reminded of how you want to catch Jesus’ attention J

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab and copy and start the journey!

Sunday, December 11th Readings

3rd Sunday of Advent

Opening Prayer


Teach me to be patient,

so I might better appreciate

          all you give to me!

Help me to slow down,

          so I might see the goodness

                   all around!

Use this season of Advent,

          to teach me to wait and

                   be still so YOU can come!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 35:1-6a, 10

  • What signs does God give to support His promise of freedom from slavery for the Israelites? What signs does God give to support His promise to you for eternal live?
  • What signs are there that God is present in the world today? What signs are there that God is working in your life?
  • Describe the “splendor of God”.
  • How is God bringing abundance into your life right now?

James 5:7-10

  • Compare how a farmer prepares and waits for his harvest to how God prepares and waits on His people.
  • List qualities of impatience. What good do these qualities bring to a situation? Where can patience be found when you begin to run out?
  • What do you need from God right now? Is there something special you are waiting on?

Matthew 11:2-11

  • What are your deepest desires? What do you go to God to “heal” for you?
  • How are you deaf, blind, or lame in your faith? What can God do for you to make you whole?
  • How do you proclaim God’s goodness? Share details of the last time you did.

General Questions for Journaling

  • On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your level of patience? Would you say you are a patient person?
  • Is there a situation where you would not be very patient? Is there a situation where you are okay waiting for something?
  • Do you think we ever have enough patience?  
  • Why is it hard to have patience when we are going through a hardship?
  • Has the season of Christmas overtaken your life? What can you do to slow down and remember the reason for the season?
  • What does “waiting” on the Messiah teach you about the virtue of patience? What habits can you change in order to be more patient throughout the year?
  • Mary is a model of patience. Write a prayer with Mary in mind and ask her for help to bring patience to your life.
  • Where can you find signs of God’s love for you? 
  • Identify the ways you know God is in the world right now.
  • What specifically about the holiday season brings you joy?
  • Are there things in your life you wish you could un-see?
  • Are there things in your life you wish you could un-hear?
  • When you last frightened?  What was the situation?
  • Compare yourself to John the Baptist. What have you done in the past year that could be described as being something “John the Baptist would do?” What can you do this coming year to be more like John the Baptist?
  • Have you ever done something “good” for someone, only to be reprimanded for doing “wrong”? What was the situation, how was the situation resolved? 
  • Are good intentions always viewed as good? Why or why not?
  • God needs us to help make the world a better place…What are you being called to do in the world, in your community, at your church, at your work, in your family?
  • When do you take time for yourself to slow down?  How often is it?  It is often enough?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  We wait for YOU…

ALL:  to bring joy and gladness!

Leader:  We wait for YOU…

ALL:  to bring light to the darkness!

Leader:  We wait for YOU…

ALL: to bring healing and wholeness!

Leader:  We wait for YOU…

ALL:  to bring an end to weakness!

Leader:  We wait for YOU..

ALL:  to bring mercy and forgiveness!

Leader:  We wait for YOU…

ALL:  to bring us into your holiness!

Challenge for the Week:  It seems as though patience in people is something in the past.  You expect to receive what you what the moment you want it.  You get irritated when you have to wait for anything.  Not so long ago, it took time to bake bread and churn the butter to put on it.  This week, challenge yourself to embrace the art of waiting.  There is a saying, “good things come to those who wait” but many grow impatient and decide there is no time to wait! 

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab and copy and start the journey!

Sunday, December 4th Readings

2nd Sunday of Advent

Opening Prayer

Come Holy Spirit… 



Set the world on fire with YOUR love!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 11:1-10

  • What are the qualities of God? What do you know and understand of God?
  • What does it mean to “fill the earth with knowledge of the Lord”?
  • Do you see the gifts of the Holy Spirit lived out in your life? Where? How can you be more intentional about using those gifts?
  • Share a present-day example of the “wolf being the guest of the lamb”.

Romans 15:4-9

  • What advice does Saint Paul give here? Do his words ring true for us today? How?
  • Is it easy or difficult to “think in harmony” with another person? What good comes from just agreeing with them? What harm? What does God call you to do in these situations?
  • What walls do you have in front of you as obstacles of unity with others?
  • Are there people in your life whom you find it easier to agree in order to keep peace? What good comes from this?

Matthew 3:1-12

  • How would you respond to John’s call? Knowing what you know about John’s character, what do you think is call was like? Would you be persuaded, or would you turn away?
  • What about John the Baptist would cause you to believe? What would draw you in to be baptized by him?
  • John the Baptist was not worthy to carry Jesus’ sandals; what are things you do not think you are worthy of doing?
  • Are you “on fire” for God? What do your words and actions say?

General Questions for Journaling

  • What opens you to the mystery of God?
  • What do you long for? What do you need this holiday? Where can you find it?
  • Jesus came from a long line of faithful servants. What does your lineage say about faith? What is your faith DNA?
  • The season change indicates it’s time to cut back plants, flowers and trees and bring them in to protect them from the winter frost. How is this true of your faith and relationships?
  • What changes do you need to make in order to clear out “dead wood” in your life? In your beliefs? In your relationships?
  • In retrospect, what changes in your life are you most proud of making? What was the change and what makes you proud of this change?
  • What good comes from you? Where did it come from?
  • Where do you see justice prevail? Share an example.
  • Do you have a sacred place where you feel at peace?
  • Have you ever had such a peace come over you, you felt as though no harm could come to you? Explain.
  • How do you achieve peace in your life? Is it achievable? 
  • How does the Christmas season bring harmony?
  • How does the Christmas season hinder harmony?
  • How does the coming of Jesus give you hope in the world today?
  • How do you feel welcomed? Where do you feel welcomed?
  • How does the Christmas season encourage your faith?
  • How does the Christmas season discourage your faith?
  • What warning(s) have you received of pending doom? 
  • Is it fear of a vengeful wrath or the love of God which keeps you on the straight path?
  • Where do you produce good fruit in your life? What are some things you can change so you can produce more?
  • What fans the flames within you to make you bigger, better and stronger in your faith?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  In the waters of baptism…

ALL:  bring the Spirit of God!

Leader:  Through works of mercy…

ALL:  bring the Spirit of God!

Leader:  In the gift of peace…

ALL: bring the Spirit of God!

Leader:  As I welcome others…

ALL:  bring the Spirit of God!

Leader:  While I sing your praise…

ALL:  bring the Spirit of God!

Leader:  Set my heart on fire…

ALL:  Spirit of God!

Challenge for the Week:  Catholic’s celebrate the coming of Jesus at Christmas in the season called Advent.  They create an atmosphere of peace, hope, joy, and anticipation with sacramentals such as the Advent Wreath, special Scriptures, and traditional songs.  The church is decorated in deep purples and rose, the colors of Advent, instead of the Christmas colors of red, green, and white.  For many, it is easy to take for granted this time of Advent when outside of the church.  The world barely takes notice of how the Church on a greater scale is stepping out and pointing the way to Jesus, instead of what is happening in the world during the “busy holiday season”.  Inside the Catholic church, the attributes of Advent; peace, hope, joy, and anticipation, are on display and there to remind believers about the true reason for the season.  Take time this week to reflect on what role you play in keeping these Advent attributes alive in your life.  What can you do to point toward Jesus, creating an atmosphere of peace, hope, joy, and anticipation?  How can you be like John the Baptist, a voice in the wilderness, keeping Advent alive!

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab and copy and start the journey!