Sunday, February 26th Readings

1st Sunday of Lent

Opening Prayer

Abba Father

As I awake to each new day,

          may I be aware of the breath I take.

Before I even open my eyes,

          may I inhale deeply the life You give.

Despite the struggles or challenges,

          let me count the blessings and

          be fully aware of the love You have for me!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Genesis 2:7-9, 3:1-7

  • How is your relationship with God? Is it different than the way God intended it to be?
  • What do you try to hide from God? What do you hide from others? 
  • Is there a serpent in your life telling you untruths to keep you from fulfillment?

Romans 5:12-19

  • Paul says to be grateful for the sin of Adam. Why do you think he says this? Do you agree or disagree? What do you think?
  • Is there a difference between sinning against God and sinning against your neighbor?
  • How have you sacrificed or given to another for them to have life?

Matthew 4:1-11

  • Jesus fights the devil in the desert, how can you draw strength from this reading in your struggles?
  • Jesus uses scripture to ward off the devil’s temptations. What scripture can you use to help give you strength to fight temptation?
  • What desert places have you encountered? Are you in the desert now?  How does the scripture give you courage to overcome?

General Questions for Journaling

  • The gift of freewill gets humans into a lot of trouble. Is there a time when you knew the will of God but you ignored it like Adam and Eve?
  • Why do you think God gave humans free will but not the other creatures?
  • If God didn’t give humans free will, what do you think the world would be like?
  • How do you hide your sinfulness from others? Are you honest with yourself about your faults and failings?
  • Sometimes when a person fails, they become discouraged and give up because the weight of sin can be paralyzing. What can you do to help you remember that Jesus already bore your sins? How can you free yourself or others from the burden of sin?
  • Describe a time when you felt you were in the desert. Describe a time when you felt you were in the wilderness. How did those experiences similar? Differ? Where was God in these experiences?
  • Name the things that tempt you. When you do so, does it change the way you look at them? 
  • What do you desire? How do you know if it is good or bad? By what do you measure?
  • Jesus was willing to die for you; what are you giving up for him?
  • How does sin weigh you down? 
  • How are the 40 days of Lent like the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert?
  • What symbol of Lent means the most to you? Why? (choose a symbol to reflect on and help you through Lent)

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Let me remember…

ALL:  I am clay.

Leader:  As clay…

ALL:  I can be hard and dry.

Leader:  As clay…

ALL:  I must be molded.

Leader:  As clay…

ALL:  I can take on many forms.

Leader:  As clay…

ALL:  I am created perfectly.

Leader:  As clay…

ALL:  I can withstand the fire.

Leader:  This Lent…

ALL:  I am clay!

Challenge for the Week:  Simple challenge.  Plant a seed TODAY.  Gather dirt into a plastic cup, a pot or whatever you can find.  Tend to it throughout the Lenten Season and continue to nurture it through the Easter Season too.  Each time you look at it, water it or spin it in the sunlight, Thank God for caring for you.

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab and copy and start the journey!

Sunday, February 19th Readings

7th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


When I feel beaten

          and alone,

When it seems all is lost

          or forgotten,

Let me cling to YOUR spirit.

Allow me to gain strength

          through your love.


Dwell in my soul.


Journal/Reflection Questions

Leviticus 19:1-2, 17-18

  • How is holiness described here? How is your personal holiness connected to others?
  • To love others as Jesus loves is a tall order. Are there people in your life with which you hold a grudge? Feel contempt toward? Consider unworthy of your time or attention?
  • How does it feel when you carry a grudge, hatred, or revenge with you and into your relationships?

1Corinthians 3:16-23

  • Can a person deceive themself? Can they lie to themself? Share an example.
  • If God dwells in you, you are the tabernacle. How do you treat your body as the temple of God? How do you honor God within yourself?
  • How do you treat the “temple of God”? What can you do to take better care of yourself knowing within you dwells God?

Matthew 5:38-48

  • Jesus said the “old” law was to seek justice, “an eye for an eye” but the “new” law says to “turn the other cheek.” This is easier said than done but have you done it? Reflect on a time when you were able to “turn the other cheek”, how were you able to do this?
  • What makes it difficult to turn the other cheek? Name the feeling. Where does it come from?
  • Consider your actions toward someone who has hurt you. What are the feelings you feel when you are around that person or when you know you know you will need to interact with them? What steps can you take to transform those negative feelings into more positive ones?
  • Spend time reflecting on how Jesus lived out this Gospel message in his final days on earth. What can you take from this example and apply to a situation you are experiencing at this time in your life?

General Questions for Journaling

  • What does it mean to be holy? How can you be holy like God is holy? Where do you start?
  • Where do you see God’s holiness in your life? What signs of heaven do you find here on earth?
  • Is there someone whom you are in conflict with right now? What stands in the way of reconciliation?
  • What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you see your sin or your potential?
  • Imagine your heart is a garden, what condition is your garden in? What do you need to do so God can grow more abundantly in your heart? What do you need to weed out? What do you need to plant?
  • Knowledge you can measure through testing to show how much you know. How is wisdom measured?
  • On a scale from 1-10, identify the wisdom within. How do you rate? Do you know anyone whom you’d rate at a 10?
  • Who taught you about taking turns or how to be fair?
  • How does it feel when you don’t get your turn?
  • Are there situations in your life right now that are “not fair”? How do you deal with them?
  • Is there something in your life (a sin) which tempts you? How often do you give in? What helps you to resist?
  • Have you ever been able to find peace in an unfair situation? Share.
  • When was the last time you gave more than was required or asked for? What was the situation? Why did you give more?
  • Are there people in your life who have hurt you? Have you forgiven them for that hurt? What did you do or what do you need to do in order to let go of the hurt and allow forgiveness to work?
  • Identify where evil lurks in your life. How do you identify it? How do you feed it? What can you do to resist evil?
  • One of the hardest things for humans to do is to let go and forgive. Is there someone who is waiting for your forgiveness? What can you do to begin to work on forgiving that person?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Holy is the word of Jesus,

ALL:  Holy is the WORD!

Leader:  Holy is the flesh of Jesus,

ALL:  Holy is the BODY!

Leader:  Holy is the blood of Jesus,

ALL:  Holy is the BLOOD!

Leader:  Holy is the cross of Jesus,

ALL:  Holy is the CROSS!

Leader:  Holy is the peace of Jesus,

ALL:  Holy is His PEACE!

Leader:  Holy is the name of Jesus,

ALL:  Holy is His NAME!

Challenge for the Week:  Pray, Pray, Pray.  Pray for yourself, pray for those you love, pray for friends and family who are sick or have asked for prayers and don’t forget to pray for those who have hurt you or who persecute you?  This does not mean to pray for them to stop hurting you, rather to prayer for their soul; pray for their conversion; pray their hurt may be healed; pray they seek God.  It is not easy to pray for good things for those who hurt you or persecute you.  It is human instinct is to wish them harm, but remember Jesus says in the Gospel this week you must love your enemies.  Consider also how you can show love toward those who hurt you.  Turn to the Bible to find examples you follow.

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab and copy and start the journey!

Sunday, February 12th Readings

6th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


Give me the eyes to see you!

          I want to choose you,

          I want to run to you,

          I want to love you,

                   but I find it difficult at times

                   to embrace what I cannot see.

Fill me with the faith to choose you,

          even when I cannot see!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Sirach 15:15-20

  • Why do you think God trusts humanity with free will? Are you able to tell the difference between good and evil all of the time?
  • Do you believe God sees all things? If so, what would he say about your actions this past week? Today?
  • Is it enough to simply say you choose God? Why or why not? How do your words and actions show you choose God?

1Corinthians 2:6-10

  • Can you imagine something beautiful? How does it make you feel that God created that beauty just for your pleasure?
  • Describe what it feels like to be surrounded by God’s beauty?
  • How do you see God? How do you hear God? What does God smell like, taste like, feel like? What does your heart tell you about God?

Matthew 5:17-37

  • Is there anger in your heart? How would God judge?
  • How can what you do or say contradict the truth?
  • What does the “spirit of the law” mean? How can you apply it to your life?
  • Can you love God and others without the law? Are the commandments necessary? Why or why not?
  • Have you ever done something good or something you were supposed to do and then made sure others knew you did it? How was this like OR not like the Pharisees in the Gospel?

General Questions for Journaling

  • How do you know the will you have chosen is God’s will? 
  • If you believe God sees all things, why do you still sin?
  • Is it easy or difficult to choose between good and evil? How can you tell the difference?
  • Identify the ways in which the commandments help you.
  • What does fear of God look like to you?
  • How is wisdom different than knowledge or understanding?
  • How do you live out the law? 
  • How does God show you He loves you? How do you know it’s God?
  • When you think of heaven, what do you see, hear, smell, taste?
  • Describe a time when you felt the Holy Spirit “working” inside of you. When was it, where were you, who were you with, what were you doing? How do you know it was the Holy Spirit?
  • The Bible says God is a good judge. What evidence is there of this?
  • How can righteousness keep you from loving God or your neighbor. Reflect on a time when you experienced this firsthand.
  • Is it possible to live beyond the law? What would that look like?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  You give Your love

ALL:  in all of creation.

Leader:  You give Your love

ALL:  with a rainbow.

Leader:  You give Your love

ALL:  in the commandments.

Leader:  You give Your love

ALL:  on a cross.

Leader:  You give Your love

ALL:  in the Word & Eucharist.

Leader:  You give Your love

ALL:  through ME!

Challenge for the Week:  Judging others is a sin many struggle with on a daily basis but did you know that even if you have been able to control judging others, you may not have controlled judging yourself?  When people judge themselves they tend to be harder on themselves than they are on others.  Spend some time this week “judging” yourself and others through the eyes of Jesus.  Consider how your vision changes.


How does God influence your decisions?  Do you turn to God to help you discern your life choices or are there others in your life who help you?  Allow yourself to consider the decisions you make and the process in which you make them.  Do the people whom you ask for help have your best interests at heart or do they have something to lose or gain?  How do the commandments play a role in the decisions you make?  Reflect on the 10 commandments this week and come up with questions you can ask yourself when you are faced with a decision.  Allow these questions to help you make a choice which falls in line with your beliefs and follows God’s plan for you in your life.  Give God room in your life and in your decisions to guide you.

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab and copy and start the journey!

Sunday, February 5th Readings

5th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


Jesus said,

Blessed are those who mourn,

for they shall be consoled.

May I find comfort during the difficult seasons,

times of loss and darkness let me find You.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,

for they shall have their fill.

I trust in You that justice and mercy will find it’s path,

even if I do not see it happening.

Jesus, said, blessed are you!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 58:7-10

  • How can you re-word the phrase, “Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your wound shall be quickly healed” to have meaning in your spiritual life today?
  • Isaiah reveals in the scripture that when your works for others, God is there. In what other scripture passage do you hear this message?  What is the significance of this?

1Corinthians 2:1-5

  • St. Paul is saying there is nothing getting in the way of the word he is preaching. What kind of things can get in the way in some of your conversations with others? What do you sometimes hide behind?
  • Is there a situation in your life right now where you need be more like St Paul in this scripture and be honest?    

Matthew 5:13-16

  • Personify salt, light and a city on a mountain. What qualities would each of these have?  What qualities do you emulate? Are there qualities you can cultivate into your life?
  • You can have not enough salt or too much salt, or not enough light or too much light. How does this concept apply to your spiritual life?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Good can come from suffering; how can something you have suffered through be a benefit to another person?
  • Share an example of how God is behind you doing good things for others.
  • From the time Jesus was born, he was “light”. The Shepherds and Magi found him by following the star. Simeon and Anna recognized the “light”. Even the fishermen on the shore were drawn to the “light” so that they left everything behind to follow it. How do you let the “light” of Jesus shine in your life?
  • Do you like to share? What is something you like to share?
  • Are there things in your life that you don’t like to share? Why?
  • The world has an “it’s all about ME” attitude but Jesus calls you to fill the needs of your neighbors. Consider your actions in the past week, when did you have an “it’s all about ME” attitude? What could you have done differently to have an attitude of Christ?
  • Do you hide a bad habit, negative behavior or addiction from others? You cannot hide your true-self from God. Create a strategy to bring what you hide from others to light so God’s grace, mercy and forgiveness can help you overcome.
  • Imagine God read all of your emails and text messages this past week, viewed all of the websites you viewed, and listened to the top 25 songs on your playlist. Would they reflect God’s love?
  • When was the last time you put your own agenda aside in order to help another person?  What was the outcome? Where there any benefits or consequences to your action?
  • When do you call out to God for help? What type of things do you want/need God’s help with?
  • Reflect on a struggle you have right now. Consider the struggle from another person’s point of view. How might God see the same struggle? How can your faith give you a different perspective?
  • When you look through human understanding, it doesn’t make sense that death on a cross gives eternal life. Faith says differently. Is there anything you are anxious about or causes you worry that needs the power of God?
  • What gives your life flavor?
  • How do you think God wards off gloom in your life?  Give examples.
  • What does it look like to rely fully on God for your happiness?
  • Have you ever claimed to know more than you really do?  When?  What was the circumstance?  How did the situation turn out for you?
  • How can you shine the spotlight on the good works of another?
  • Make a list of all of the things which produce light. What produces darkness?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Through compassion I give and receive;

ALL:  Your mercy endures forever!

Leader:  Through understanding, watching and waiting;

ALL:  Your patience endures forever! 

Leader:  Through good works, for myself and others;

ALL:  Your justice endures forever!

Leader:  Through forgiveness, I offer and accept; 

ALL:  Your grace endures forever!

Leader:  Through eternal life given through death;

ALL:  Your love endures forever!

Challenge for the Week

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab and copy and start the journey!