Sunday, August 20th Readings

Opening Prayer

Holy Father,

May I walk in the house of Lord,

          all of my days!

May I find a comfortable place

          to lay my head!

May I hear your voice clearly,

          despite the noise!

May I show gratitude to you,

          for the gifts you give!

Praise your name forever!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 56:1,6-7                            

  • How do you show mercy in your life? To whom do you show mercy? How does it compare to God’s boundless mercy?
  • How might the world be different if we truly lived life knowing God’s grace and mercy were endless?
  • Is it possible to not give God enough praise or thanks? Can you give God too much? Explain.

Romans 11:13-15,29-32

  • What makes you feel accepted by God? What do you think makes you unworthy of God’s blessing?
  • In what ways do you disobey God? How does the Sacrament of Reconciliation help you feel accepted?

Matthew 15:2-28

  • What surprises you about this scripture passage? How does this fall in line with or go against who you know Jesus to be?
  • What does the phrase, “even the dogs eat the scraps that fall from the table of their masters” mean? What exactly was the woman saying?
  • When has Jesus shown you the same mercy as he shows the Canaanite woman?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Share examples of ways people honor God.
  • What feelings or emotions do you feel knowing God will never stop loving you? 
  • Has there ever been an occasion when you felt excluded within your faith community? What was it that made you feel separated? How might the scriptures this week help you heal?
  • Describe the power of mercy. What does it offer? How do we receive it? Where does it come from? Who can have it?
  • How do you receive your messages from God? Do you have voicemail or do God’s messages get right through?
  • How would you judge a woman begging at the feet of Jesus? Have you ever done the same thing?
  • Where in your life should you be more persistent? In prayer? Good works? Self-discipline? Encouragement?
  • Does your love have limits? Explain. How can the scriptures help you overcome the things that limit your love? Be specific.
  • Where does mercy come from? What are some examples of mercy? 

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, I am blessed

ALL:  Let it show on my face!

Leader:  Lord, I am blessed

ALL:  Let it be heard in my words!

Leader:  Lord, I am blessed

ALL:  Let it be seen by my actions!

Leader:  Lord, I am blessed

ALL:  Let it be felt through my compassion!

Leader:  Lord, I am blessed

ALL:  Let it be acknowledged in my prayers!

Leader:  Lord, I am blessed

ALL:   Let it be shared with others!   

Challenge for the Week:  You can learn so much from this Canaanite woman.  She doesn’t back down, she remains calm and she kneels before Jesus and asks for help.  How often do you just nonchalantly ask Jesus to help you with something in prayer?  Are the things you pray for simply a list of wants and needs or are they true desires?  Do you pray with persistence and fervor?  When you attend Mass or Sunday Worship listen intently to the prayers of the faithful, the petitions of the community.  Set your mind to faithfully listen and put emotion and feeling into the prayer intentions so that you pray them with your whole being. 

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