Sunday, September 3rd Readings

22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


You came to find the lost.

You came to rescue the imprisoned.

You came to save the sinner.

I am lost, imprisoned and a sinner.

May I allow myself to be found.

May I allow myself to be rescued.

May I allow myself to be saved.

I am found, rescued and saved.

Thank you Jesus, you are my Savior!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Jeremiah 20:7-9

  • Can you imagine being “duped” by God? What would (did) it look like? What was the purpose? 
  • Do you believe God wants us to be “duped”?
  • Describe what it feels like to feel something in your bones? Have you ever felt something so deep? Share the experience.

Romans 12:1-2

  • How does the study of scripture help you to transform your mind? How does this transformation change your words and actions; be specific.
  • What does Saint Paul mean when he says, “don’t conform yourself to this age?” How does this specifically speak to you?

Matthew 16:21-27

  • What cross are you called to pick up today? Are you able to pick it up? Is your cross light or heavy? Explain.
  • If God does not think the way that humans do, how is it you are able to understand what God wants for you?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Does oppression happen in this world? Who do you know is oppressed?  How do you know? What do you do about it? Do you suffer from oppression?
  • How do you know God is driving your actions or if you are following your own desire? How can you tell which way God is calling you to go?
  • How does it feel to lose something? Describe the process of letting go.
  • How do you feel when you find something? How would you describe the process of finding a place for the thing you found?
  • Are there injustices in the world which break your heart? Are there injustices which occur that cause your gut to ache? Is the Holy Spirit calling you to do something about it?
  • What was the last exciting news you shared and with whom did you share it? What was your purpose for sharing? Was it your news to share?
  • What was the last disappointing news you shared and with whom did you share it? What was your purpose for sharing? Was it your news to share?
  • Have you ever risked being made fun of to stand up for what you believe? Share the experience.
  • How can you give strength to another who is standing up for what they believe in, even if you don’t agree?
  • Have you ever been thankful for suffering? What was the circumstance?  Why were you thankful?
  • What does it mean to “lose your life” according to God? What does it mean to “lose your life” according to the world?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord fill me…

ALL:  with reckless desire for you!

Leader:  Lord fill me…

ALL:  with unending compassion for others!

Leader:  Lord fill me…

ALL:  with raging fire for justice!

Leader:  Lord fill me

ALL:  with determination to do your will!

Leader:  Lord fill me

ALL:  with the ability to surrender,

Leader:  so I can be

ALL:   more like you each day!

Challenge for the Week:  In your life, you have positive and negative influences.  How do you determine which are the good ones and which are the bad ones?  They are not always clear.  There are times when there is a positive influence that you ignore because you are not in a good place yourself and other times when you are too close to a situation to see you are being influenced in a negative way.  How can you know?  When you turn to God for help and clarity, He can bring to light what is good and what is evil but are you willing to listen?  Spend time this week looking at the things which influence your life and prayerfully consider how the people and things you allow into our daily life affect you in a positive or negative way.  Summer is about to end and with the change of the season; you too should take time to change. 

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Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab a copy and start the journey!

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