Sunday, September 10th Readings

Opening Prayer


How can I care for others

          like you care for me?

Help me to see more like you,

          so I might be more giving.

Give me a heart like you,

          so I can love and show mercy.

Open my ears and my arms,

          to hear the cry and give comfort.

You ask nothing more than for us

          to love you and love others;

Let us pray together and heal the world!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Ezekiel 33:7-9

  • Who has God appointed you watchman over? What are your responsibilities as watchman? 
  • How will God hold us accountable for our sins? How will He hold us accountable for the sins of others?

Romans 13:8-10

  • God asks nothing but to love one another; how well do you show love to others?
  • What obstacles hold you back from giving and showing love to your neighbor?
  • How do you define neighbor? Is it the same way God defines neighbor?

Matthew 18:15-20

  • What does this scripture tell you about the power of prayer? What does it tell you about the power of community? Share a personal experience when you saw this power firsthand.
  • How have you testified/How can you testify to the power of prayer?
  • When have you seen/heard someone testify to the power of prayer?

General Questions for Journaling

  • When do you feel safe? Where are you? Who is with you?
  • Share a time when you did not feel safe. What caused you to feel this way? How did you overcome the feeling?
  • Are there places, people or situations you avoid because you fear them?
  • How do you think those who are put into the position of “watchman” in the community or world do in their role? Find a good example.
  • Who watches over you? How do they watch over you? Share an example.
  • Do you believe there are prophets today? Who do you identify as present-day prophet? What tells you they are a prophet?
  • How does your life bear witness to the goodness of God?
  • If you could give yourself a grade for how well you keep the commandments, what would your grade card say?
  • Make a list of the things you love about yourself. Is it easy or difficult to come up with 10 things?
  • Jesus said to love one another even when it is difficult. Are you shutting yourself off from a relationship or relationships for fear of getting hurt?
  • Is there a relationship you need to give some attention to this week? Something in need of repair?
  • Is it easy or difficult to take responsibility for your actions?
  • Share a time when you refused to listen to the thoughts of another person. What was the circumstance? Did you ever end up hearing their opinion?
  • How are you an advocate of your faith? In your family? In your workplace?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord you are present in all things

ALL:  May I not ignore the gentle nudges of my heart.

Leader:  Lord you are present in all things

ALL:  May I not ignore the gentle whisper in my soul.

Leader:  Lord you are present in all things

ALL:  May I not ignore the gentle invitation of faith.

Challenge for the Week:  This week, look up the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman.  He has determined humans show love in five different ways.  Read through these and determine if you relate to one or more of them.  Do you agree with his assessment, or do you think there are more or less ways to express love?  Which would you say is your preferred way to express love to others?  Which would you say is your preferred way to receive love from others?  How does God show love to you?  Does it fit into one of these five ways?  When you look at the way God loves and compare it to the way you love others, what can you do to love more like God? 

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