Sunday, May 28th Readings


Opening Prayer

O Blessed Spirit,

When I feel alone,

          You are there.

When I am surrounded by darkness,

          You bring light.

When I am weak,

          You are my strength.

You are my guide to stay on the path of life,

          which leads to heaven.

Fill my soul, dwell in me, FOREVER!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 2:1-11

  • Where is the Holy Spirit driving you? How do you open yourself up to the mission you are called to in your life?
  • What is changed about the apostles after they are visited in the upper room? What can you take from this experience? Imagine yourself there…how does it change your perspective?
  • What keeps you from experiencing the fullness of the Holy Spirit today?

Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13

  • Each person is given a different gift of the Holy Spirit. Can you identify the gift(s) you have been given?
  • Explain the difference of being baptized in the Spirit and being baptized in water.
  • What lesson can you learn about differences from this scripture?

John 20:19-23

  • In the Old Testament, God “breathed” His breath into Adam.  What significance does this word have here in this reading? What is the correlation between the two scriptures?
  • How has the Spirit caused you to act differently? 
  • Where do you share God’s peace?  

General Questions for Journaling

  • Have you ever felt the Holy Spirit? Where was it? Did you feel it inside of you? Did you see it working around you?
  • Jesus said He sent an Advocate, a Comforter. How do you know you are not alone?
  • What can you do to build a closer relationship with the Holy Spirit?
  • What action steps are needed for you to let the Spirit into your life and help you be filled?
  • What excuses do you make to keep the Holy Spirit from entering into your being? What obstacles stand in your way of a meaningful relationship with the Holy Spirit?
  • What qualities of the Holy Spirit do you possess? What qualities of the Holy Spirit would you like to fill you?
  • In Galatians 5, St Paul shares what it means to “live in the Spirit”, what can you do to cultivate these qualities in your life?
  • How do you communicate faith with others? What language do you speak with your words and actions?
  • Do you believe in miracles? Why or why not?
  • Do think at Pentecost, they understood each other literally? Explain.
  • What can you do to understand others better? How can the gifts of the Holy Spirit help?
  • Is there a place where you feel more connected to the Holy Spirit? Jesus? God? Share.
  • Are there people in your life who are different and you appreciate their differences?
  • Are there people in your life who are different and you are frustrated by their differences?
  • What gift(s) do you hold back?
  • What can you do to share your gifts more abundantly?
  • Is peace easily found?  Why or why not?
  • Define a “peacemaker”. What qualities do you have?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Come Holy Spirit,

ALL:  shine in my life!

Leader:  Come Spirit of Truth,

ALL:  teach me the way!

Leader:  Come Advocate,

ALL:  give me strength!

Leader:  Come Paraclete,

ALL:  bring me comfort!

Leader:  Come Presence of God,

ALL:  renew my faith!

Leader:  Come Holy Spirit,

ALL:  fill me with joy everlasting!

Challenge for the Week:  Spend time this week looking back on when Lent began twelve weeks ago with Ash Wednesday.  Since then, you have walked with Jesus through several experiences.  You have been there when He fought off the devil, raised Lazarus from the dead, washed the Disciples’ feet, was arrested, and crucified.  That was all just before Easter when He escaped death and came back for an encore to share with the Disciples that He will always be there with them until the end of time.  What has been revealed to you through this journey?  How has walking through Jesus’ last days, His suffering, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension brought you understanding or comfort?  What has been revealed to you through these experiences?

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the WeeklyScripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab a copy and start the journey!

Sunday, April 30th Readings

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Opening Prayer


You give me what I need each day

          May I be grateful and have my fill.

You lead me on the path of goodness

          May I accept your mercy and follow.

You call my name to come to you

          May I listen to only Your voice in my life.


Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 2:14a, 36-41

  • What emotions do you feel as you read these words? Imagine being there. How do your emotions change?
  • Peter’s advice is to repent. Knowing Peter’s story, how do these words impact you coming from him?
  • Peter is calling everyone to action. What do you feel called to do after hearing his words?
  • Define conversion. How does conversion work? Is it a onetime thing or a lifelong thing? What does it mean when applied to your life? Have you undergone a conversion of some kind? What was the result of it? Do you need to undergo another conversion? Why or why not? 

1Peter 2:20b-25

  • How does this reading remind you to seek God’s grace instead of revenge? How can this be applied to a situation in your life right now?
  • What do you learn about God’s love in this passage? How does it make you feel? How can you help others see this type of love in your life?
  • Jesus had no sin but suffered death to take sin away; write a prayer of thanksgiving to Jesus that your sin is wiped away through his death.
  • Jesus already suffered for your sin, what sin(s) do you hold onto because you think you still need to suffer guilt and shame?

John 10:1-10

  • Who in your life provides the shelter and protection the Shepherd shows to the sheep in this passage? Who do you provide this depth of security for in your life?
  • Are there people you know who need some type of shelter (physical, emotional, spiritual) which you can help lead them to the shepherd?
  • When you see Jesus face to face, do you think you’d have the patience to wait for the gate to be opened or would you want to jump the fence?
  • If Jesus is the gate which you must enter, how does a person pass through? Give examples.

General Questions for Journaling

  • What “cuts you to the heart”? Are there things that hurt so deeply you are called to do something? When was the last time you were called to action because you were “cut to the heart”?
  • Where in your community do you see a need for a change? Is there something you can do to help make a change?
  • Where do you see corruption in the world? In your community? Within yourself?
  • Share a time when you felt convicted of a wrongdoing.
  • Think of a time when you tried to do the right/just thing and your efforts were not rewarded in a positive way. Why do you think good people suffer? Consider some of the reasons a person might have to go through suffering in order to bring about good.
  • Describe a suffering Christian. Do you know anyone who fits the description?
  • When confronted with violence, is violence ever the right response? How does your anger get in the way of following Jesus’ example not to retaliate?
  • Who are the people in your life whom you go to for shelter?  Advice? Counsel? Do they know the Shepherd?
  • What changes in the language when one says they “were” baptized and they “are” baptized? Which are you?
  • When did you last testify to your faith? How did you? Explain how you felt and how others reacted.
  • What qualities does a shepherd have which you want?  How will you develop these qualities?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, you refresh my soul

ALL:  and give me all that I need.

Leader:  Lord, you guide my path

ALL:  and give me all that I need.

Leader:  Lord, you walk beside me

ALL:  and give me all that I need.

Leader:  Lord, you protect me from harm

ALL:  and give me all that I need.

Leader:  Lord, you wrap me in mercy

ALL:  and give me all that I need.

Leader:  Lord, you are my Shepherd

ALL:  and you give me all that I need.

Challenge for the Week:  I invite you to go into deep meditation with the words and phrases of this Gospel.  Take time, perhaps one per day, to take the phrase and sit with it; carry it with you as your daily mantra to mull over. How do these words affect you, what do they tell you, where can they help you make a conversion in your life?  The Good Shepherd:  Calling by Name; Recognition of Voice; Following the Shepherd; Not Following Strangers; Shepherd as Gate. God’s Word can change your life!

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab a copy and start the journey!

Sunday, March 12th Readings

Third Sunday of Lent

Opening Prayer


You put a thirst in us that only You can quench.

You lead us through rocky and desert places

        to a wellspring with the water of life.

May the Word we read today satisfy our desire

        and fill us with Your Spirit so we may overflow!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Exodus 17:3-7

  • Can you relate to this feeling of thirst?  Have you ever been “dying of thirst”?  How does this translate into ones spiritual life?
  • Why was Moses afraid?  When have you felt like Moses?  Where was God?  How did God help you?

Romans 5:1-2, 5-8

  • An agreement made between two people requires each side to give something.  God gave us His Son, Jesus gave us His life and the Holy Spirit gave us the Bible.  What are you being called to give?
  • Could you give up your life for another person?  Anyone or just specific people?  How does this differ from giving up your life for God?  Or giving your life to God?

John 4:5-42

  • What does Jesus ask for and then offer in return?  Imagine Jesus asking you the same thing.  How might you respond, how have you already responded?  What has He asked for in return, what do you give?
  • Have you ever, like the disciples, wondered what God was doing?
  • Define “living water”. 

General Questions for Journaling

  • Have you ever grumbled at God?  Have you ever grumbled against God?
  • What causes you to grumble to other people?
  • Have you ever felt like everyone was against you?  What did you do?
  • How do you hold your ground when you are against opposition?  What keeps you strong?  How does it feel to be in opposition of another person?
  • It is said that “faith makes you stronger”; explain how this is true or not true.
  • How do you boast about your faith?  Give a specific example.
  • Have you ever been disappointed by love?  Explain.
  • Are there things about you that you wish God didn’t know?  How does your behavior/attitude change, knowing God knows all of your secrets?
  • In what way does your faith “fill” you?  Describe the feeling.  Does faith fill you once and for all or do you lose the fullness you feel?  How do you re-fill?
  • Do you thirst for things in your life?  Take time to be honest with yourself and reflect on things you thirst for each day.  Are these things life giving or do they drain life from you?
  • What do you think the woman at the well was feeling when Jesus told her all of the things of her past.  How would it make you feel if a stranger did the same to you?  How does it feel to know Jesus does know your past?
  • Put yourself in the Gospel story as one of the villagers.  How would you react when the woman came back to share what had just happened at the well?  Would you believe her?  Would the encounter change how you felt about her?
  • How does the story of the woman at the well, help give you encouragement to continue to work on your Lenten sacrifices?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Make me a well-spring…

ALL:  of your peace!

Leader:  Make me a well-spring…

ALL:  of your comfort!

Leader:  Make me a well-spring…

ALL:  of your joy!

Leader:  Make me a well-spring…

ALL:  of your compassion!

Leader:  Make me a well-spring…

ALL:  of your goodness!

Leader:  Make me a well-spring…

ALL:  of your love!

Challenge for the Week:  Consider all of the ways we use water every day.  It is one of life’s necessities.  As Americans, we often take for granted how much we use water.  We use water when we flush the toilet, take a shower, brush our teeth all just to get “ready” in the morning.  Water is needed to brew coffee or tea and to prepare or cook our food.  If you have ever had to turn off the water to your house or gone camping in a primitive spot then you might begin to be able to understand what was like for the Israelites.  Despite all of our advances, there are still people in the world who live without clean water to drink, cook or wash.  It is also important to drink plenty of water for our bodies to run better because water for our bodies is like oil for our car.  The challenge this week is to be more aware of the water we use and why we use it.  Say a prayer of thanksgiving each time you use water, pray for those who don’t have clean water, ask God to help you trust in him to provide for you just like you rely on the water to come out of your faucet.  Also try to drink the recommended amount of water and pray each time you go to fill up your cup.  At first, drinking so much water will cause extra trips to the bathroom to use more water, but then our bodies adjust; but the extra water equates to more time spent in prayer and perhaps we will adjust to having Christ with us more often too!

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab and copy and start the journey!

Sunday, January 22nd Readings

3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer

God, my creator, You give me the breath of life.

Jesus, my mentor, You call me to follow you.

Spirit, my companion, You are with me always.

You show me the path and teach me to be a disciple.

May I always walk in Your light and share Your love.


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 8:23-9:3

• Where do you see darkness in the world today? Do you think God can dispel this darkness? Are there things YOU can do to bring light to these dark places?

• Anguish and gloom have hovered over the people in the Old Testament. Think about a time when you could relate to feeling this way. What brought you out of this dark time?

1Corinthians 1:10-13,17

• What causes people to quarrel? What is the disagreement in this reading? What makes people have to learn for themselves and not learn from others mistakes?

• Can positive things come from disagreements? Where have you seen good or growth come from conflict?

Matthew 4:12-23

• Two sets of brothers dropped everything and immediately followed Jesus. What do you think they saw in Jesus that would make them do that? Do you think they had regrets?

• Could you drop everything in your life and leave? What would you have a hard time leaving behind?

General Questions for Journaling

• Identify any darkness which occupies your soul. What creates the darkness? How can you work to bring light into the darkness?

• Describe the feeling you have when you see a light in the distance though the darkness. Compare it to your spirituality.

• Who are people in the world today who are “beacons of light”? The world celebrates public figures who make contributions to society such as Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela or Martin Luther King JR. Name some of the people whom you look to for inspiration? Whom you revere or respect? What qualities do they possess which you want to emulate?

• If you saw Jesus “strolling” along the Sea of Galilee, would you approach Him? Sit and meditate. Let the scene play out in your mind. Allow Jesus to talk with you.

• What do you desire? What do you long for? How do you work to satisfy this desire or longing?

• When you daydream, what do you dream about? Do you give these daydreams any attention in your “everyday life”? Do you share these dreams with God or others?

• Could you like John the Baptist stand up for what is right even if it meant you would have to suffer? What would be worth the sacrifice?

Closing Prayer – Psalm 27:1, 4, 13-14

ALL: The Lord is my light and my salvation whom should I fear?

The Lord is my life’s refuge; of whom should I be afraid?

One thing I ask of the Lord; this I seek;

to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,

That I may gaze on the loveliness of the Lord

and contemplate his temple.

I believe that I shall see the bounty of the Lord

in the land of the living, wait for the Lord with courage;

be stouthearted, and wait for the Lord.

Challenge for the Week: Go deeper into your meditation this week and consider your path of discipleship. Jesus said, “Come and follow me”, “Leave behind your nets”, “ I will make you fishers of men”, “Your lives will never be the same”. He still calls you in this way…by name. Have you left behind your nets? What are some of the things you still hang onto? What does it mean to be “fishers of men”? Are you working to bring others to Christ? Do you seek out those in need and share God’s love and mercy with them? How has following God changed your life?

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab and copy and start the journey!

Sunday, January 15th Readings

2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer

Lord, Lamb of God!

May Your light shine

          from the heavens!

May Your Spirit dwell

          throughout the land!

Let all those who gather

          in your name

                   feel Your presence!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 49:3, 5-6

  • What is glorious about being a servant? 
  • How are you allowing God to make you strong?

1 Corinthians 1:1-3

  • Where do you see evidence of holiness?
  • What do you call God? What names do you use? 
  • What does God call you in return?

John 1:29-34

  • Who in your life demands the respect John the Baptist gives Jesus? What have they done to deserve your respect?
  • Do you believe in anything with as much conviction as John the Baptist does that Jesus is the Savior?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Where do you turn for help?
  • Do you see more light than darkness in your life right now? Or do you see more darkness in your life right now? Is there something you can do this week to let more light in?
  • What can you do to step toward God this year, this month, today?
  • How has your relationship with God restored you?
  • Are there stages of holiness like a 1-10 scale or it is a yes or no, either you are, or you aren’t?
  • What is the opposite of holiness?
  • What are characteristics of holiness? Do any of the characteristics alone point to holiness or do you need all of them?
  • Do you believe the Holy Spirit is here on earth? Where? How do you know?
  • When was the last time you looked to the Spirit of God? What were you looking for? Did the Spirit of God deliver?
  • Is your faith strong enough you would testify on behalf of your beliefs? 

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Through the waters of Baptism…


Leader:  Through the waters of Baptism…

ALL:  I am made PURE!

Leader:  Through the waters of Baptism…


Leader:  Through the waters of Baptism…

ALL:  I become WHOLE!

Leader:  Through the waters of Baptism…


Challenge for the Week:  There is a motivational speaker named Andy Andrews who wrote a book called the Butterfly Effect.  It is a fictional story about a man’s life, based on a scientific theory.  The theory refers to how something as small as a butterfly flapping its wings can cause a tsunami.  The story from Andy Andrews uses this theory to remind us that one small act can do the same thing.  This is some amazing power!  Whether you use your power for good or bad is the challenge this week.  Think about the significant difference one life can make in the world; think Jesus. Your life can make a BIG difference too. Imagine what could happen if you simply flap your wings!

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab and copy and start the journey!

Sunday, January 9th Readings

Baptism of the Lord

Opening Prayer


You meet me in the wilderness

You understand the rocky path

You hear my cry for help

You bring cleansing rain

You give me new perspective

You open my eyes to see

You clear the pathway before me


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 42 :1-4, 6-7

  • Use your own words to describe what it means for God to be pleased with you.
  • Do you want to God to be pleased with you? What do you want God to be pleased about?
  • Describe a real-life desert experience. Where do they exist and what positive things can come from wandering through the desert?

Acts 10:34-38

  • Why does God give salvation?
  • What does it mean that God has no partiality? How does that affect the way you accept others? How does that affect the way you accept yourself?

Luke 3:15-16, 21-22

  • The scripture says the people waited in anticipation for the Baptism; explain in your own words how baptism makes you feel. Must you have a personal connection to the one who is baptized to feel this anticipation? Why or why not?
  • John the Baptist brought many believers to follow Jesus. Who first introduced you to Jesus?
  • When did you last see someone whom you knew had Jesus within them? How did you know? What did you feel? What did you see?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Where do you see God’s love?
  • When did you last experience Baptism? What can you do to keep that experience real and close to you all the time?
  • How do you give thanks for the extravagant gift of eternal life God has given to you?
  • God is so generous with His gifts; what can you do to be more giving of love, mercy and understanding?
  • Where do you find value in your life? What validation do you seek?
  • Do you ever find faith hard to comprehend or figure out how it works?
  • Why does turning on the light in the middle of the night when it is dark hurt? Describe the feelings and thoughts you have in those seconds it takes to adjust to the light.
  • On the flip-side, how do you adjust to the darkness when you turn off the lights? How often is there complete darkness?
  • How do you proclaim your dedication to God?
  • Can you always see darkness coming? Is it possible to avoid darkness?
  • What can you do to get yourself out of darkness? Is it possible to do it alone?  How can you help others out of darkness?
  • When do you feel strongest in spirit?
  • What does the power of God feel like?
  • What does the power of the devil feel like?
  • Do you see/feel God’s presence guiding you as this new calendar year begins? Be specific.
  • How do your “new year resolutions” pertain to your faith?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Through the waters of Baptism…

ALL:  I have been CLEANED!

Leader:Through the waters of Baptism…

ALL:  I have been made PURE!

Leader:  Through the waters of Baptism…

 ALL:  I have been SATISFIED!

Leader:  Through the waters of Baptism…

 ALL:  I have been made WHOLE!

Leader:  Through the waters of Baptism…

ALL:  I am LOVED and called BELOVED!

Challenge for the Week:  There is not one person who has ever wanted to be the last one picked to be on a team.  The anticipation of being the next person chosen can be agonizing, silently screaming “pick me, pick me” and then the feeling of defeat when your name is not the one called.  This is not a feeling God EVER wants His children to experience. So when it comes to His choosing you, God chose you BEFORE you ever existed.  This is one amazing thing to contemplate!

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting