Holy Saturday

Opening Prayer


I am confident, yet afraid.

I put my trust in you, my soul rests.

I shall sing your praises all my days.

You have overcome the darkness

          and bring us new life! Alleluia!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Genesis 1:1 – 2:2

  • We often think of the creation story as one for children but it is even more for adults.  What did you hear this year which you have not heard before?  Sometimes we know a story so well, we don’t listen as closely.  Listen again for the message God wants you to hear today.
  • Create your own creation scene, draw and color while you meditate on the gifts each day of creation brings and give thanks to the creator!

Genesis 22:1-18

  • On a scale from 1-10, how confident are you to respond, “Here I am, Lord” when God calls you?
  • How do you think God celebrates when you listen and obey his commands?

Exodus 14:15 – 15:1

  • What does this scripture story mean to you?  What does it tell you about God and his relationship with the Israelite’s?
  • How does God use Moses?  Do you believe he can use you in a similar way?  Explain.

Isaiah 54:5-14

  • Does this scripture bring you comfort and confidence or does it leave you concerned and in doubt?  Explain the difference and be specific.  What other words would you use to describe how this scripture makes you feel?
  • What is the ultimate message God’s trying to communicate through this scripture?

Isaiah 55:1-11

  • Share one way God has provided for you in the past week.  Was it something you asked for and received or was it something God did without you even acknowledging it?
  • What keeps you from having 100% confidence in God providing your needs?  Is it because his timing is different than your own or is it something else?

Barach 3:9-15,32 – 4:4

  • Identify where you see God’s splendor.  What do these places/things say to you when you are in their presence?
  • Describe the feelings you get when you listen to or read the words of this scripture.  What do you imagine?  Can you put it into words?

Ezekiel 36:16-17a,18-28

  • Where does the myth that people who follow God do not suffer come from?  Even God’s people in the Old Testament had to suffer loss, devastation and hardships.  How does this make you feel?
  • What is the purpose of God giving us a ‘new heart’, what does this mean?

Romans 6:3-11

  • What images and/or feelings come to mind when you hear the word BAPTISM.
  • How do you plan to continue to live out your baptism?  Does the renewal of baptismal promises give you a boost of energy and purpose, why or why not?

Matthew 28:1-10

  • Are there people in your life whom you cannot celebrate the glory of the resurrection with because of unbelief or difference of beliefs?  How can you still bring the glory of the resurrection to those you love without judgment or shame?
  • How do you anticipate you will react when you see Jesus face to face?  Can you imagine the scenario?  Describe in detail what happens.

Closing Prayer

Leader:  God’s mercy endures forever…

ALL:  Alleluia!

Leader:  What wondrous deeds he has done..

ALL:  Alleluia!

Leader:  Give thanks for he is good…

ALL:  Alleluia!

Leader:  We shall not die, but live forever…

ALL:  Alleluia!

Challenge for the Week:  You think you have had a tough week J , what about Jesus, Mary and the Disciples!  In the Church, Holy Week is one of the most important times of ritual and tradition…all set up back to back to back to back.  Each day, beginning with Holy Thursday has specific elements which need to be present in order to make the celebration meaningful.  Planning for these four days and potentially five, six or seven separate services, begins almost immediately after the Christmas Season comes to an end.  Those who work in the church basically go directly from planning the celebration of Jesus’ birth to getting things prepared for his death.  They do it for many reasons, but mostly because it is a part of their deep belief in God that they want to bring to life for all the faithful (and those who only come for the Easter Sunday service) how powerful and beautiful God’s love for each of us is and can be.  It is sometimes jokingly said that it’s a goal of Easter Sunday services to make it so meaningful that people are inspired to come back the next week and the week after that. 

Holy Thursday

Opening Prayer

I will call upon the Lord

          and He shall answer!

I shall give thanks and praise

          for all the Lord has done!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Exodus 12:1-8,11-14

  • Do you hide Christ in your life?  In your conversations?  In your home?  What can you do to reveal him?
  • How do others know you are a Christian?

1Corinthians 11:23-26

  • When you hear these words at prayed during the Eucharistic Celebration of Mass, who do you invite to the table with you?
  • What do the words, “do this in remembrance of me” mean to you?

John 13:1-15

  • Jesus says, “Do you know what I have done for you?”  He isn’t only speaking to the disciples when he says to go and do what he has taught us…identify 2-3 things you will do this Easter Season to follow Jesus’ example.
  • Jesus knows his disciples will scatter in fear, what do you think allows him to stay and celebrate the Passover meal with his friends and wash their feet?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Shown in hospitality;

ALL:  love as I have loved.

Leader:  Shown in compassion;

ALL:  love as I have loved.

Leader:  Shown in sacrifice;

ALL:  love as I have loved.

Leader:  Jesus…

ALL:  you have shown us how to love!

Challenge for the Week:  It is common practice for Jesus to be placed at the altar at the end of Holy Thursday’s Mass for the faithful to stay and participate in what in the Catholic Church is called Adoration.  This time is set aside specifically for us to practice in real time “staying awake” for Jesus while he is in the Garden of Gethsemane praying before he is arrested.  Regular practice is for this to last until Midnight and then Jesus is removed to imitate how he had been taken into custody; no longer at our side.  This Thursday, set aside an hour to be with Jesus.  You choose how you will spend the time, for example, in silence or by praying the Rosary or by lighting candles or writing prayer or drawing a mandala; it is your choice how to spend this specific hour with your Savior. 

Holy Saturday Prayer Guide

Easter Vigil/Holy Saturday

Opening Prayer


I am confident, yet afraid.

I put my trust in You, my soul rests.

I shall sing Your praises all my days.

You have overcome the darkness

          and bring me new life! Alleluia!

Reflection Questions

1st Reading – Genesis 1:1 – 2:2

  • The story of creation is often thought of to be a children’s story, but it is even more for adults.  What did you hear this year which you have not heard before?  Sometimes when you know a story so well, you don’t listen as closely.  Listen again for the message God wants you to hear today.
  • Create your own creation scene, draw and color while you meditate on the gifts each day of creation brings and give thanks to the Creator!

2nd Reading – Genesis 22:1-18

  • On a scale from 1-10, how confident are you to respond, “Here I am, Lord” when God calls you?
  • How do you think God celebrates when you listen and obey his commands?

3rd Reading – Exodus 14:15 – 15:1

  • What does this scripture story mean to you?  What does it tell you about God and His relationship with the Israelite’s?
  • How does God use Moses?  Do you believe He can use you in a similar way?  Explain.

4th Reading – Isaiah 54:5-14

  • Does this scripture bring you comfort and confidence or does it leave you concerned and in doubt?  Explain the difference and be specific.  What other words would you use to describe how this scripture makes you feel?
  • What is the ultimate message God’s trying to communicate through this scripture?

5th Reading – Isaiah 55:1-11

  • Share one way God has provided for you in the past week.  Was it something you asked for and received or was it something God did without you even acknowledging it?
  • What keeps you from having 100% confidence in God providing your needs?  Is it because his timing is different than your own or is it something else?

6th Reading – Baruch 3:9-15,32 – 4:4

  • Identify where you see God’s splendor.  What do these places/things say to you when you are in their presence?
  • Describe the feelings you get when you listen to or read the words of this scripture.  What do you imagine?  Can you put it into words?

7th Reading – Ezekiel 36:16-17a,18-28

  • Where does the myth that ‘people who follow God do not suffer’ come from? Even God’s people in the Old Testament had to suffer loss, devastation and hardships.  How does this make you feel?
  • What is the purpose of God giving us a ‘new heart’, what does this mean?

Epistle – Romans 6:3-11

  • What images and/or feelings come to mind when you hear the word BAPTISM.
  • How do you plan to continue to live out your baptism?  Does the renewal of baptismal promises give you a boost of energy and purpose, why or why not?

Gospel Reading – Matthew 28:1-10

  • Are there people in your life whom you cannot celebrate the glory of the resurrection with because of unbelief or difference of beliefs?  How can you still bring the glory of the resurrection to those you love without judgment or shame?
  • How do you anticipate you will react when you see Jesus face to face?  Can you imagine the scenario?  Describe in detail what happens.

Closing Prayer

Leader:  God’s mercy endures forever…

ALL:  Alleluia!

Leader:  What wondrous deeds God has done..

ALL:  Alleluia!

Leader:  Give thanks for God is good…

ALL:  Alleluia!

Leader:  You shall not die, but live forever…

ALL:  Alleluia!

Challenge for Good Friday:  You think you have had a tough week; what about Jesus, Mary and the Disciples!  In the Church, Holy Week is one of the most important times of ritual and tradition. It is a series of ups and downs, back to back to back to back. Each day, beginning with Holy Thursday has specific elements which need to be present in order to make the celebration meaningful. 

Planning for these four days and potentially five, six or seven separate services, begins almost immediately after the Christmas Season comes to an end. Those who work in the church basically go directly from planning the celebration of Jesus’ birth to getting things prepared for his death. The planning and preparation to make the celebration of the Triduum stand out validates their importance in the Church and for those who follow Jesus.

These three days impact deeply the relationship you have with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Through the celebrations, the journey of Jesus is brought to life for all the faithful to experience with their whole heart, soul and mind. Even if you only attend the Easter Sunday service, the power and beauty of God’s love is revealed for each and every person there. The goal being to inspire all.  

Whether you gather in a community for these celebrations in person or virtually, the goal for all is to connect with God more deeply. The celebration of each day of the Triduum brings deeper understanding of not only God but of yourself and your relationship with others. When you dive into them, you are more likely to feel the joy of the resurrection and be inspired by it. Although the scripts of each day do not change, you are a different person each year you hear the stories. You may hear something new or hear it in a different way, coming to understand more clearly God’s plan for you. What do you hear God saying to you now? How has the Triduum inspired you this year?

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting heather@makingscripturerelevant.com