He Disciplines

You might think that discipline is a bad thing, primarily because it is what parents do to correct their children’s bad behavior. However, discipline is something you do every day, such as maintaining the speed limit or holding your tongue and not lashing out at your boss. You might even discipline yourself by limiting your caffeine intake or setting an alarm to remind you to take a walk break. Discipline is not a bad thing; it is simply a practice to change behavior.

When you choose to change your behavior, it requires a different attitude and perspective to keep you from falling back into the undesired behavior. This can be hard, especially if you are just starting out. Many people fail when making a resolution to change a behavior due to triggers such as environment or the company they keep.

For example, if you choose to quit smoking but your co-worker whom you normally go outside to smoke with does not, it can be a challenge to still go out with them while they smoke. When you no longer go with them, it can have a negative effect on your relationship and if you do go out with them, you’re more likely to fall back into the behavior you’re trying to avoid.

Discipline is a key factor in discipleship, which is why I’ve always found it interesting that you can’t spell discipline without disciple. I feel there is a message in it somehow such as when you discipline yourself, you are a disciple in training. It makes sense because discipline is a type of sacrifice and when you strive to live your life as a disciple, you do have to make sacrifices.

You can read examples of some of the sacrifices a disciple would make (have made) in the Bible, beginning in the Old Testament. It is full of examples of people who sacrificed for God’s glory such as Abraham, Moses, Job, Naomi, and so many more. In the Old Testament, sacrifices were made on a regular basis as a part of the worship experience. When Jesus came on the scene, He called on the first disciples who left behind their families and possessions to travel with Jesus. Then of course the ultimate sacrifice, Jesus gave His own life for the forgiveness of sins, which is remembered each time Mass is celebrated around the world.

Today, sacrifices might include choosing to go to a Church service or function instead of staying home and watching a movie or a live sporting event. It might mean you skip the drive thru coffee in the morning and donate that money to support a nonprofit organization.  Perhaps the sacrifice is refraining from gossip or saying negative things about other people. Discipline to become a disciple can look different for each person, but it still requires a sacrifice, making the effort to change your behavior.

The practice of discipline is a primary focus during the season of Lent, when in the Catholic church people refrain from eating meat on Fridays and typically give up or take on something. However, discipline is also lived out when you don’t eat for an hour before going to Mass, so you are emptied before receiving communion (Jesus). I like this thought of shedding something or removing something to make room for Jesus, in the same way you decrease your ego to increase God’s plan for you.

So, when the scripture says that Jesus disciplines those He loves, it gives me insight as to why following Jesus can be difficult at times. It helps explain why Jesus says the gate to heaven is narrow because it requires discipline and being able to do hard things. Even Saint Paul contributes to the argument that being a disciple is difficult. He says you must deny the things your body desires and do the things that the Spirit desires; this is not an easy thing to do.

One way to accomplish this feat, or at least begin to make strides towards the goal of getting through the narrow gate, is to practice the “see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil” philosophy. In other words, shedding the thoughts and behaviors that cause you to sin. When you practice filtering your thoughts and behaviors through this philosophy, it can help you identify things you need to do to change or refrain from doing. It is definitely no easy feat, but there is (at least for me) comfort in knowing you are not alone on the journey.


GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting heather@makingscripturerelevant.com.

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds.  It’s more than a book, rather a guide to becoming a stronger disciple through physical and spiritual exercises.  Get your copy and begin the journey!

Sunday, July 3rd Readings

14th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer
You knew life would be hard.
You knew there would be challenges.
You knew the choices would be difficult.
But you sent Jesus to model how to show
mercy, give forgiveness and be obedient to You.
Through Jesus’ example,
you taught me that your grace is enough
to carry me through anything hard,
challenging or difficult that might come my way.
Thank you for your grace, mercy, forgiveness
and especially your love.
I know you are with me
in the valleys and on the mountain tops,
Lord, I trust you will carry me!

Journal/Reflection Questions
Isaiah 66:10-14c

  • Where do you see God rejoicing today?
  • How does the imagery of a mother’s love hold true for you? Where might it fall short? Is there a better image for God to use to describe His love?

Galatians 6:14-18

  • Where do you see God’s grace in the world?
  • What does it mean to be a new creation?
  • In addition to your faith, what else do you value greatly?

Luke 10:1-12, 17-20 or 10:1-9

  • How are humans like lambs? How are they like the wolves?
  • Where do you see examples of lambs and wolves in the world?
  • What is the harvest Jesus is speaking of in this scripture? Why are the laborers few?
  • How do you see yourself in this scripture?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Describe your connection to your church, parish or place of worship. What is your connection to the community? What need(s) does the community meet in your life?
  • Do you believe the church holds the same purpose it did when they first began to form? Why or why not? What is the same or different?
  • Has God’s love for His people changed over time or does it remain the same? Does God love you as He did Adam & Eve? King David? Mary, Mother of Jesus? Jesus?
  • What laws of the world are non-negotiable? Why are they so?
  • Where do you see influences of the world and the laws of people in your household?
  • Where do you see influences of Jesus in your household?
  • How is peace achieved in your life? How often do you achieve resting in peace?
  • Where do you see mercy shown? What can you do show mercy to others more regularly? Are there opportunities which you sidestep?
  • How do you welcome others? Share a specific situation.
  • Where do you share peace? To whom do you give peace? From whom do you receive peace? How can you have it more abundantly?

Closing Prayer
Leader: Fill my heart with love and compassion
ALL: so I might bring comfort to a child.
Leader: Fill my heart with love and compassion
ALL: so I might see where my help is needed.
Leader: Fill my heart with love and compassion
ALL: so I might trust you more.
Leader: Fill my heart with love and compassion
ALL: so I might show love more deeply.
Leader: Fill my heart with love and compassion
ALL: so I might open my arms to others.
Leader: Fill my heart with love and compassion
ALL: so I know I am enough!

Challenge for the Week: Saint Paul in the second reading notes how the people are arguing over the laws of circumcision. He is telling them it doesn’t matter because Jesus came to save all people, circumcised or not. People are still taking sides on issues today. Make a list of some of the things people are arguing about today. Are any of them keeping you from seeing your neighbor as Christ calls you to see them? Have you treated another with neglect, disregard or judged them based on the stand they take on a specific issue or law? Paul is not saying, don’t have an opinion. He is telling the Galatians that these differences should not distract from the fact that the love of God and the sacrifice of Jesus should be what really matters. How will you live out this scripture passage in the coming days, weeks, months? Make a commitment for a specific change to see how it affects you and those around you.

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting heather@makingscripturerelevant.com

Sunday, February 13th Readings

6th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


Throughout the Bible are stories of hope

Open my eyes to see the hope in the world today

Let me hear the stories where hope is restored

And be a living example that hope never dies


Journal/Reflection Questions

Jeremiah 17:5-8

  • Draw a picture of the two images described in this scripture.
  • Share a time when you experienced both images, what was going on in your life, be specific about who was with you and what you felt.

 1 Corinthians 15:12, 16-20

  • Does this scripture bring you hope? Explain how.
  • How does the promise of the resurrection affect your faith? Be specific.

Luke 6:17, 20-26

  • What is the overall message Jesus to sharing with the people who have gathered to hear him speak?
  • What is the message Jesus has intended for you to hear in this scripture to help open your eyes to a situation in your life right now?

General Questions for Journaling

  • How do you feel about God giving free will? Is it good? Is it bad? How does free will get you into trouble?  How does it free you?
  • Are there choices you have made in your life which you wish you could change? Do you can do something about that choice now?
  • Is it easy or difficult to change? Do you always get to choose to change?  How can making the choice to change affect your attitude?
  • Who do you confide in to help make decisions? What qualities do you look for in a person who helps you?
  • What draws you to ask God for help? Are there obstacles which keep you from seeking God’s advice in matters?
  • How do you feel about trust? Is trust important to you? Is it something people have immediately or do you believe people need to earn it?
  • How much trust do you put in God? How much trust do you believe God has in you?
  • Would you describe yourself as someone who is open to new ideas and new ways to do things or do you consider yourself someone who is comfortable with the way things are and have always been? Share an example.
  • How would you explain the hope you have in the resurrection to someone who doesn’t know about Jesus?
  • Do you believe faith is a choice you make every day or is a choice you made once and it stays with you?
  • Share an example of a time when your faith was challenged; be specific about what you did, how you felt and the outcome.

Closing Prayer

Leader:  I will rejoice

ALL:  in the rising of the sun!

Leader:  I will rejoice

ALL:  in the delicate snowflake!

Leader:  I will rejoice

ALL:  in the blooming flower!

Leader: I will rejoice

ALL:  in the simplicity of a smile!

Leader:  I will rejoice

ALL:  in the warmth of a hand!

Leader:  I will rejoice

ALL:  in the hope you give!

Challenge for the Week:  Do you have a faith story?  Of course, you do!  Just like in the business world where people have “elevator speeches” which describe and highlight their accomplishments and successes; Christians should have a faith story.  Spend time this week putting together your own personal faith story; include pivotal moments, desert places and mountain top experiences.  Include specific scripture passages which carried you through the bad times or sustain you in the good times.  Write it down and then put it in your Bible so it can be added to the many other stories of our salvation HIS-tory!

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting heather@makingscripturerelevant.com

Sunday, October 31st Readings

31st Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


Teach me what it means to love.

Show me how to serve.

Give me the strength to do both!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Deuteronomy 6:2-6

  • What do you hear God saying in this scripture? How is your message different than others? How is it the same?
  • Share examples of where you see following God’s commandments are good.
  • Share examples of where you see following God’s commandments are bad.

Hebrews 7:23-28

  • What does this scripture teach you about the Eucharist? Is this an old or a new insight?
  • How does this scripture help you understand how sacrifice is good? Does it make you more or less willing to make a sacrifice for God? For others?
  • What is God calling you to sacrifice right now?

Mark 12:28b-34

  • How does Jesus determine or measure our nearness to the kingdom of God according to this scripture?
  • Does loving God come easy? Why or why not?
  • Describe God’s love. What words do you use? 
  • Do you love God the same way He loves you? Why or why not?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Does love have a capacity? Explain
  • How does God love vs how you love? Is it different? Is it the same?
  • Imagine your heart. Draw a picture of it and then write down the things that you carry in your heart. Is your heart big enough to carry all of those things and be able to love God too?
  • How does having God in your life make your life better?
  • Where do you see God’s presence? In your home? Your spouse? Your kids? Neighbors? Co-workers? Fellow parishioners? Be specific.
  • What does it mean to you when people pray for you? What does it mean for you to pray for others?
  • Do you believe those who have passed can provide you support, understanding and companionship? Why or why not?
  • How do you put God above others? Give an example.
  • What do you do to “work” on your relationship with God?
  • Shouldn’t love come easy?  What makes loving God or others or yourself difficult?
  • Do you feel you know God? Understand Jesus? Are connected to the Holy Spirit? What kind of things can you do to deepen your relationship with each part of the Holy Trinity?
  • What significance does scripture, tradition and sacrifice have on your relationship with God? What significance do these things have on your personal relationship with others?
  • Explain how the Eucharist is an expression of love.

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, come live in me…

ALL:  so I can understand the sacrifice of love.

Leader:  Lord, come live in me…

ALL:  so I can teach others through my actions.

Leader:  Lord, come live in me…

 ALL:  so I can give hope by sharing the Gospel.

Leader:  Lord, come live in me…

ALL:  so I can be a place of refuge.

Leader:  Lord, come live in me…

ALL:  so I can become more like YOU!

Challenge for the Week: Jesus took the 10 commandments and condensed them into simpler language for people to understand.  He didn’t change the message of what the commandments say, the tasks are still the same.  Just because the language is simpler, what God wants you and I to do is not simpler. 

Take the first piece, “love God with all your heart, mind and soul.”  When you think about loving God, it’s easy to think, oh yeah, that is no problem!  However, do you give God you ALL?  Jesus says to love with ALL your heart, mind and soul but many times in your lifetime, you can find you’ve turned your back on God and not acknowledged God for the blessings in your life, either because you forget or get busy or dismiss the blessings as things you deserve.  This request isn’t so easy after all.

Then the second part of the message is to, “love your neighbor as yourself” which comes with a long list of obstacles.  First and foremost, can you say you love yourself?  If you can, then you’re halfway there but if you can’t say that you love yourself, then you’ve gotta figure out how to do that so then you can begin the work of loving others. 

Is it even possible to love God and love others equally AND love ourselves too?  This is what God wants from you and even though it is hard the relationship you have with the Holy Trinity can give insight.  Spend time this week reflecting on the commandments through the lens of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, then apply what you learn to living them out!

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting heather@makingscripturerelevant.com

Sunday, October 24th Readings

30th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


I shout for joy because you

heal me from my hurts,

you protect me from my enemies

and you provide me with peace of mind!

Your Word continues to guide me and lead me,

by teaching me your ways.

Thank you for always being there for me so

I can be Christ to others.


Journal/Reflection Questions

Jeremiah 31:7-9

  • Who are the burdened and downtrodden in this scripture? How does God provide them with support?
  • Where do you find security in this scripture? How is it or how can it be played out in your life?

Hebrews 5:1-6

  • What can you learn from this scripture about dealing with people who try your patience?
  • What does this scripture say about weakness? What are your weaknesses?

Mark 10:46-52

  • What do you say when you cry out to Jesus?
  • Are you persistent in making your desires known to God? What do you do about making your needs known and then acting on them?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Where do you seek consolation? Is it from a person or is it a place or something else?
  • Who comes to you for support when they are weary? What do you offer?  Is it too much?  Is it not enough?  How do you know it is what they need?
  • Have you ever felt the path you are on has too many curves or bumps? What can be done to level out the road a bit? How can you help yourself with this task? What can you do for others?
  • When did you recently sacrifice something for another person’s good? When has someone done the same for you? Has this happened with or without regret or expectation?
  • Make a list of 5-10 good qualities you possess which would draw people to you.
  • When someone comes to you for counsel, do you look for how you will benefit or how they will benefit? OR do you turn to the Holy Spirit for guidance in the counsel you give? What does this look like?
  • Jesus stood up for you and died for your sins; who do you stand up for? How do you let them know you stand up for them even in their weakness?
  • Are there people who refuse to “be quiet” in your life or in the community? Do they stay on one topic or do they harp on many?  What do you think their goal is?
  • Are there times when you should hold your tongue or the opposite, speak out more?  Identify those moments.
  • Where do you see Jesus working today? What is He doing to shout out the message of forgiveness, mercy and healing?
  • Is there somewhere Jesus needs you to go out to shout the good news?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Jesus, have pity on me and restore my soul

ALL:  for I am weak.

Leader:  Jesus, have pity on me and restore my soul

ALL:  for I am blind.

Leader:  Jesus, have pity on me and restore my soul

ALL:  for I am crippled.

Leader: Jesus, have pity on me and restore my soul

ALL:  for I am ignorant.

Leader: Jesus, have pity on me and restore my soul

ALL:  for I am a sinner.

Challenge for the Week:  Take time this week to think about what it would be like to be blind.  How would you feel?  How might you be different?  How would you define the word see if you were blind, not having the experience of knowing what it truly was?  Then spend time considering what makes you “blind”?  What keeps you from seeing the positive in people or situations rather than the negative?  What things in your life or within yourself do you refuse to see and change?  How much time and effort do you spend trying to keep these things hidden from others, from God?  Pray…”Jesus, son of David, have pity on me.”

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting heather@makingscripturerelevant.com

Sunday, June 20th Readings

12th Sunday Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


You are the maker of all things;

You do not make junk.

Change my mind;

rid me of all worry and stress.

Allow me to let go;

and let you direct my life.

Guide me through your Word;

so I may live more for others than myself.

Journal/Reflection Questions

Job 38:1, 8-11

  • What is God trying to teach Job in this scripture? What lesson does God want you to learn?
  • Are you going through a storm in your life right now? Identify the source of the storm; was it self-made, man-made or created by God?

2Corinthians 5:14-17

  • How has the love of God called you into action? 
  • Define what it means to you to be a “new creation”?

Mark 4:35-41

  • What in your life causes you to be paralyzed with fear? How do you overcome fear?
  • The disciples were there together; who do you turn to when you see a storm coming? 

General Questions for Journaling

  • What do you do when you see a storm coming? How do you feel?
  • When you see a storm coming how do you react? Push on? Pull back? Simply hold on?
  • Do you believe God sets limits? What do you believe God limits?
  • Have you experienced a storm where you know God was with you?
  • Have you experienced a storm where you questioned God’s presence?
  • Reflect on who or what you live for; is it in honor of someone or something, it is for your own good, is it for Christ’s glory, or something else?
  • Are there things in your life which you missed out on experiencing because of fear? Do you have any regrets? What do you think God wants you to do about the things you regret?
  • Where do fears come from? How do they start? Do you believe fears are something each person is born with or are they something a person develops?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Be the calm in the storm when I am going down…

ALL:  Come to me!

Leader:  Be the gentle water washing away my selfish thoughts…

ALL:  Wash over me!

Leader:  Be the filter which keeps my thoughts and actions pure…

ALL:  Cleanse me!

Leader:  Be my floodgate to hold me back from temptation…

ALL:  Surround me!

Leader: Be the waves which drive my actions…

ALL:  Consume me!

Leader:  When I pursue you…

ALL:  I am overwhelmed by your loving presence!

Challenge for the Week:  Make the decision to let go of control of ONE THING in your life and allow God to take over.  Focus on that ONE THING in prayer, not asking God to do what you want Him to do in the situation but to truly hand it over to him.  Imagine that ONE THING as an onion; as you start let go of your control over the situation, allowing God to take charge, think about each layer of the onion being peeled away.  As you pray to allow yourself to let God take over, you might also imagine yourself as that onion; allowing God to shed the weight of the worry, anxiety, stress you carry because of that situation.  This process takes time; it takes attention and lots of practice!  If you aren’t patient, you can end up with a smelly onion which only makes the situation worse; however if you allow God to take over your situation the onion will become nothing and the situation won’t seem as daunting.

Sunday, June 6th Readings)

Solemnity of The Body and Blood of Christ

Opening Prayer


You are the promise of salvation.

You are the blood shed for sin.

There is no one who loves more;

        who would sacrifice for the sake of all.

Make me your tabernacle, Lord!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Exodus 24:3-8

  • What is the significance of signing in blood/sealing the covenant in blood? What meaning does it have today?
  • What covenant do you have with God? Is it the same one as the Israelites? How well do you keep your side of the promise?
  • How is this gathering like people gathering in church on Sunday?  What are the similarities?  Can you list at least three?

Hebrews 9:11-15

  • Imagine yourself in this scripture? Where are you?
  • What are the dead works in your life? How can you begin to cleanse yourself of these obstacles?

Mark 14:12-16, 22-26

  • What significance is there that the man the disciples found was carrying a jar of water? Is there any at all?
  • What do you know of Passover?  What preparations are needed?
  • When Jesus took the bread, He said the blessing AND when He took the cup, He gave thanks. What should you do to follow in Jesus’ footsteps? What was the last thing you thanked God for?

General Questions for Journaling

  • What does the blood signify in these scriptures? 
  • What does blood have to do with life? With death? How is this also true in your spiritual life?
  • How do you celebrate the “new covenant” Jesus gave; eternal salvation? How do live it out at home? At work? In church? 
  • What if your dead works were as visible as the dead heads on a rose bush? Are you sure they aren’t? 
  • Jesus shed His blood for you; have you shed anything for Him?
  • Does the consumption of Jesus’ body and blood have conditions or expectations?
  • Do you feel differently when you receive communion? 
  • How does receiving Jesus in the Eucharist change you? Share a specific example.
  • Do you believe it is Jesus’ body and blood you receive when you go to communion? 
  • How do you show reverence to Jesus in the Eucharist?  (Eucharist is the body and blood of Christ and means thanksgiving)
  • Define tabernacle.
  • What is the definition of a sacrifice? Is it a true sacrifice when there is not blood? What about when you sacrifice your time for the sake of another or sacrifice your “at bat” for the good of the team?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  When one life begins and another one ends…

ALL:  Lord, may I always be open to all you have to give.

Leader:  When a door is closed and another is cracked open…

ALL:  Lord, may I always be open to all you have to give.

Leader:  When each season ends to welcome the next one in…

ALL:  Lord, may I always be open to all you have to give.

Leader: When the darkness of night is overcome by the light of a new day…

ALL:  Lord, may I always be open to all you have to give.

Leader:  When you give yourself as an offering…

ALL:  Lord, may I always be open to all you have to give.

Challenge for the Week:  When you receive Jesus in Holy Communion, how do you live your life knowing Jesus is a part of you?  Do you acknowledge that as a fact and set your mind to live with the understanding that Jesus is within you?  Or do you nonchalantly consume Jesus without paying any mind to the great gift you have just been given.  Even starting from before you receive communion, what is your mindset about what you are about to do?  Are you in the moment or simply going through the motions?  Father Ron Rolheiser says that to receive the Eucharist is to receive a kiss from God.  Take some time this week to read through the second reading again and reflect on it.  Then pray a prayer of thanks for all God has given to you.

Ash Wednesday

Lent is more than a time when Catholics don’t eat meat and give up something like chocolate or cursing.
Lent is a season.
And like any season, ie spring, summer, fall, winter, there is (or rather should be) TRANSFORMATION.
This Lent, allow the scriptures to change you, transform you.
Let the Word fill you, awaken you and bring you to life.
When you do, then you’ll understand the full meaning of God saying, “return to me with your heart.”
Sometimes it is in letting go, that you find what you are seeking.

First Reading – Joel 2:-12-18

“Be Merciful O God, for we have sinned”

Psalm 51

On the surface this scripture is contradictory.
Jesus says, to go to your room and shut the door to pray in private, yet Ash Wednesday is the only time when you come to church and leave with a visual mark for everyone to see you believe in Jesus.
The ashes become the outward symbol that you are believer, thus shouting to everyone that you are Christian.
However, the mark also is the acknowledgement that you are unclean, you are a sinner.
“Turn away from sin and be true to the Gospel”
So, YES, you are called to go to your room to pray in private to seek forgiveness, to become clean.
Think of Lent as you being “grounded.”
It’s time to work on yourself, your relationship with others and your relationship with God.
A time to change the wrong you’ve done and to make amends.
Lent begins with the Ashes on your forehead but through the six week of Lent you sacrifice, pray, and do the work.
Then at the end of Lent, the ashes are washed clean by the blood of the lamb. Washed away through the renewal of Baptismal Promises

Gospel Reading – Matthew 6:1-6,16-18

January 1st Readings

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

Opening Prayer

God of heaven and earth

How must Mary have felt going through all of these trials?

What did she think about journeying away from home?

Was she sad because he mother wasn’t with her?

Did she struggle with believing what the Angel said?

How did others treat her when they saw she was pregnant?

Help me to connect with Mary so I might learn how to let my faith overcome my obstacles!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Numbers 6:22-27

  • Who in your life right now needs to hear that they are a blessing to you? Practice how you will tell them. Write it down if you need to.
  • How have you felt blessed by others this year?  How can you let them know you are grateful?

Galatians 4:4-7

  • Have you ever considered yourself as adopted by God? What does that look like? What does that feel like?
  • How does the birth of a child bring fullness? Is it the same or different than when Jesus was born? How?

Luke 2:16-21

  • Have you been given a message to share like the shepherds?  What is the message?
  • Spend time reflecting on what the birth of Jesus means to you?  What do you conclude?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Where do you see blessing? Is there anything you can do to contribute?
  • Make a top ten list of blessings with the date on it and put it in your bible.
  • Do you feel uncomfortable receiving compliments? Why or why not? What was the last compliment you received?
  • Do you feel uncomfortable giving compliments? Why or why not? Who was the last person you complimented? What was their response to the compliment?
  • Have you ever tried to hide from God? Do you think God hides from you? Explain – Give an example.
  • Would you define yourself as a slave? If so, what are you a slave to? If not, consider how you spend your time and money to be sure your words and actions are in line.
  • What do you treasure? What makes it so special?
  • When have you been amazed? Was it recently or a long time ago? 
  • How do you describe the feeling of being amazed? 
  • What do you describe as being amazing? What makes it so?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord, when we feel unworthy…

ALL:  bless us with the Spirit of Grace!

Leader:  Lord, when we are in despair…

ALL:  bless us with the Spirit of Hope!

Leader:  Lord, when we feel neglected…

ALL:  bless us with the Spirit of Love!

Leader:  Lord, when we feel incomplete…

ALL:  bless us with the Spirit of Wholeness!

Leader:  Lord, when we are full of worry…

ALL:  Bless us with the Spirit of Peace!

Challenge for the Week:  Take time to reflect on the past year.  There have been good things and bad things happen; how have these things affected you?  What do you have to look forward to in the New Year?  Are there things which you are dreading to face?  What have you learned this year that can help you overcome any obstacles in the coming year?  Are you making resolutions half-heartedly for the sake of “tradition” or are you spending time to make a change for good?  Spend time in reflection on the scripture readings of the birth of Jesus, focusing on each of the people in the story from the Innkeeper to Joseph to the Angels to Mary to the Shepherds, each person has a message for you…what is it and how can it help you make resolutions for 2021?

Sunday, January 3rd Readings

Epiphany of the Lord

Opening Prayer


Like the sun, let me rise to bring light!

Like a baby, let me be born to a new life!

Awaken me from my slumber,

so I can shine like a star and lead others to YOU!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 60 :1-6

  • Are you able to see God’s Glory even through the dark times of your life? Share an example.
  • Can you see God working in your life right now or only when you look back do see God at work?
  • What do you see when you look out into the future?

Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6

  • What is the “commission” God has called you to? How are you living it out? What can you do to better complete the mission you are called to?
  • How can you treat others as “co-heirs” of the promises of Christ?
  • What is Saint Paul trying to remind you of in this reading?

Matthew 2:1-12

  • What caused the magi to drop everything and travel from foreign lands? What is important enough for you to stop everything and travel a great distance? 
  • What lesson(s) can you learn from the magi? What do they receive in return for the gifts they bring?
  • What can you learn about Jesus and the entire Holy Family from their choices and actions in this scripture?
  • Spend time role playing. Imagine yourself as each of the characters in the Gospel reading. What are you thinking, feeling? What motivates you? 

General Questions for Journaling

  • What gifts do you see in the world today? 
  • Are there places on earth which you are drawn to go? What is there which you want to experience?
  • What do you give back to God? Do you feel obligated to give? Explain.
  • What has God revealed to you in the past year?  Month?  24 hours?
  • Define the word, diligent. How can you search diligently for God this year?
  • Would you describe yourself as a “star” which shines light onto others? How does the light of Christ shine through you to draw people to Christ? Share an example.
  • Name some of the people you are drawn to. What draws you to them? What characteristics or qualities make them appealing?
  • Who are people in this world who are worth following? What makes them worth following? Are there people whom you follow who are not worth following? How can you tell the difference?
  • Reflect on the shape of the star. Describe how it is important to you and your beliefs; how is it a symbol of your faith?
  • Would you say you are the “star” of your own life or do you let others take the lead? How does God appear in your life story? Do you allow God to shine through you or are you eclipsed by God?
  • What are you willing to give up for a deeper relationship with God?
  • Are there people or situations which you hide from? What message do you think Jesus would like to reveal to you about what you should do?

Closing Prayer – (music lyrics to song “Rise Up” by Andra Day)

Leader:  When the silence isn’t quiet

ALL:  And it feels like it’s getting hard to breathe

Leader:  And I know you feel like dying

ALL:  But I promise we’ll take the world to its feet

Leader:  And move mountains

ALL:  I’ll rise like the day

Leader:  I’ll rise unafraid

ALL:  I’ll rise up

Leader:  And I’ll do it a thousand times again

ALL:  And I’ll rise up

Leader:  High like the waves

ALL:  I’ll rise up…for YOU!

Challenge for the Week:  Reflect on the past couple of months since the beginning of the new liturgical year (or since around Thanksgiving) and make a list of the gifts which you have received…NOT the tangible ones.  The holiday season can open up new insights, new relationships and shine light on situations in relationships.  Spend time thinking about the gifts opened to you, these can range from very personal to global depending on how much time you want to spend and how deep you want to go.  However, giving time to these special moments can bring new insight and reflect the true value of the gifts which you might have been too busy to accept!