Sunday, August 6th Readings

Opening Prayer

Creator God

You gave me a hunger and a thirst

          only YOU can satisfy.

May I come to understand

how YOUR Word is what I need.

Fill me with YOUR mercy and grace;

          complete me and make me whole.

My searching is over!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 55:1-3

  • What picture does this scripture paint? What images show abundance?
  • When have you felt satisfied? Describe the feeling.

Romans 8:35,37-39

  • What keeps you away from God? How do you support the relationship? How do you hurt the relationship?
  • How do you remain close to those you love? Those on earth? Those in heaven?

Matthew 14:13-21

  • Where is God in this scripture? In what ways?
  • How are you called to be like the crowd? What do you have to share with others?

General Questions for Journaling

  • What do you thirst for? What do you hunger for? 
  • What does your soul ache for? Have you ever felt so strongly about something or needed something so much you ached?
  • God satisfies. How many ways can you list?
  • What is your definition of riches? How does God provide you with riches in your life?
  • Describe the most satisfying meal you’ve ever eaten. What made it satisfying?  Explain.
  • How do you communicate with God? How does God communicate back? 
  • How does working on your relationship with God differ from your other relationships? How is it similar?
  • Make a list of at least 10 ways you can show love to God.
  • Make a list of at least 10 ways you can show love to others.
  • Can you have too much of a good thing? Why or why not?
  • What is your definition of the promises of Christ?
  • Identify moments in your life when you felt full, not from food. Is there a common thread in these experiences?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Let all who thirst…

ALL:  come to the Lord!

Leader:  Let all who hunger…

ALL:  come to the Lord!

Leader:  Let all who have nothing…

ALL:  come to the Lord!

Leader:  Let all who seek…

ALL:  come to the Lord!

Leader:  Let all who are weary…

ALL:  come to the Lord!

Leader:  Let all who need rest…

ALL:  come to the Lord!

Leader:  Let all who are burdened…

ALL:  come to the Lord!

Leader:  For the Lord is near…

ALL:  all who call upon him!

Challenge for the Week:  In the summer, many of us are guests or host a potluck or picnic where everyone brings something to contribute to the meal.  Part of the fun of a potluck is to see what others bring, make a favorite dish or to have the chance to try out a new recipe.  Even if there are several types of salads or duplicate dishes, there is always plenty of food and no one is left hungry.  There are also always plenty of leftovers.  Imagine how this is similar to the feeding of the 5,000.  They weren’t invited to a potluck but they attended one.  We hear the story of the boy with some fish and bread who was generous enough to step forward with the little he had to share with the crowd but I believe it was because of his example others contributed what they had too.  We must realize that even though we think what we have to give is not enough, when we allow God into our lives and have the courage to step out in faith, He satisfies and completes us.  Show generosity in some way this week by sharing with someone what you have to give.  Bring more than simply a food dish with you to the next potluck, bring a generous heart full of the love of Jesus and see what miracles happen!