Sunday, August 27th Readings

21st Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


Vast is Your love for me,

          let me see it each day!

Endless are the gifts You give,

          let me show gratitude!

Abundant is the mercy You grant,

          let me share it with others!

You surround me with what I need

          and guide me through,     

                   my ups and downs.

Forever You are with me; 

          You are my all in all!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 22:19-23                            

  • Imagine yourself as Eliakim. How does it feel to be called God’s servant? Can you see yourself being given a place of honor in God’ house? 
  • How does God show His authority in this reading? How can you allow God to have authority over your life? Who has authority now?

Romans 11:33-36

  • Describe what “riches” Saint Paul is referring to in this scripture. 
  • How might you seek to know what God is thinking? How does one “know God’s mind”?

Matthew 16:13-20

  • Explain why the disciples and others would compare Jesus to Jeremiah, Elijah and John the Baptist? 
  • Who do you say Jesus is? Do you tell him? Do you tell others?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Where do God’s blessings come from? Are they given on purpose or by accident? How do you know?
  • How does God inhabit your life?  Be specific.
  • What are the things you don’t understand about God? What are the things that you DO understand about God? How does the knowledge of these things affect your faith?
  • What experience(s) have taught you about the meaning of the words, eternal, everlasting, forever?  What have you learned?
  • How can faith help you to let go of past hurts, worries or tragedy?
  • Do you see God’s plan for you? What makes you know for sure this is the path God intends for you?
  • Is the work you do or the job you have one you choose or one you “fell into”? Could this have any bearing on your attitude toward it? 
  • Do you feel you are using the gifts God gave you to complete the tasks required of your job?
  • Are you fulfilling your vocation in the position you hold? Do you feel as though God choose you to do the work you do?
  • How does Jesus reveal himself to you?  Where are you?  What is the situation?  How do you carry the experience with you?
  • How is it that Jesus makes Peter the “ROCK” on which to build His church but Peter denies knowing Jesus three times? How does this make you feel?
  • What qualities of Peter make him the perfect example of a disciple?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  I am humbly in Your presence…

ALL:  when I allow the silence to take over.

Leader:  I am humbly in Your presence…

ALL:  as I pause to give thanks before a meal.

Leader:  I am humbly in Your presence…

ALL:  when I look into the eyes of an innocent child.

Leader:  I am humbly in Your presence…

ALL:  as hear the rumble of thunder and crack of lightning.

Leader:  I am humbly in Your presence…

ALL:  when I see a couple holding hands.

Leader:  I am humbly in Your presence…

ALL:   as I open my heart and mind to the wisdom of your Spirit!

Challenge for the Week:  Growing up in the church, I’ve heard the phrase, “clothed in Christ”.  As a child I would imagine literally wearing a white robe like the one we see Jesus wearing in many of the pictures of him.  Now as an adult, this phrase takes on much more meaning since it is really a figurative phrase.  What are specific ways a person can be “clothed in Christ”?  Spend time this week reflecting on these ways and then focus on yourself, discerning how you too are “clothed in Christ.  In your prayer time, ask God to help you move your thinking so you can take ownership of this phrase and believe it when you say, “I am clothed in Christ!”

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab a copy and start the journey!

Sunday, February 12th Readings

6th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


Give me the eyes to see you!

          I want to choose you,

          I want to run to you,

          I want to love you,

                   but I find it difficult at times

                   to embrace what I cannot see.

Fill me with the faith to choose you,

          even when I cannot see!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Sirach 15:15-20

  • Why do you think God trusts humanity with free will? Are you able to tell the difference between good and evil all of the time?
  • Do you believe God sees all things? If so, what would he say about your actions this past week? Today?
  • Is it enough to simply say you choose God? Why or why not? How do your words and actions show you choose God?

1Corinthians 2:6-10

  • Can you imagine something beautiful? How does it make you feel that God created that beauty just for your pleasure?
  • Describe what it feels like to be surrounded by God’s beauty?
  • How do you see God? How do you hear God? What does God smell like, taste like, feel like? What does your heart tell you about God?

Matthew 5:17-37

  • Is there anger in your heart? How would God judge?
  • How can what you do or say contradict the truth?
  • What does the “spirit of the law” mean? How can you apply it to your life?
  • Can you love God and others without the law? Are the commandments necessary? Why or why not?
  • Have you ever done something good or something you were supposed to do and then made sure others knew you did it? How was this like OR not like the Pharisees in the Gospel?

General Questions for Journaling

  • How do you know the will you have chosen is God’s will? 
  • If you believe God sees all things, why do you still sin?
  • Is it easy or difficult to choose between good and evil? How can you tell the difference?
  • Identify the ways in which the commandments help you.
  • What does fear of God look like to you?
  • How is wisdom different than knowledge or understanding?
  • How do you live out the law? 
  • How does God show you He loves you? How do you know it’s God?
  • When you think of heaven, what do you see, hear, smell, taste?
  • Describe a time when you felt the Holy Spirit “working” inside of you. When was it, where were you, who were you with, what were you doing? How do you know it was the Holy Spirit?
  • The Bible says God is a good judge. What evidence is there of this?
  • How can righteousness keep you from loving God or your neighbor. Reflect on a time when you experienced this firsthand.
  • Is it possible to live beyond the law? What would that look like?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  You give Your love

ALL:  in all of creation.

Leader:  You give Your love

ALL:  with a rainbow.

Leader:  You give Your love

ALL:  in the commandments.

Leader:  You give Your love

ALL:  on a cross.

Leader:  You give Your love

ALL:  in the Word & Eucharist.

Leader:  You give Your love

ALL:  through ME!

Challenge for the Week:  Judging others is a sin many struggle with on a daily basis but did you know that even if you have been able to control judging others, you may not have controlled judging yourself?  When people judge themselves they tend to be harder on themselves than they are on others.  Spend some time this week “judging” yourself and others through the eyes of Jesus.  Consider how your vision changes.


How does God influence your decisions?  Do you turn to God to help you discern your life choices or are there others in your life who help you?  Allow yourself to consider the decisions you make and the process in which you make them.  Do the people whom you ask for help have your best interests at heart or do they have something to lose or gain?  How do the commandments play a role in the decisions you make?  Reflect on the 10 commandments this week and come up with questions you can ask yourself when you are faced with a decision.  Allow these questions to help you make a choice which falls in line with your beliefs and follows God’s plan for you in your life.  Give God room in your life and in your decisions to guide you.

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab and copy and start the journey!

Sunday, February 5th Readings

5th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


Jesus said,

Blessed are those who mourn,

for they shall be consoled.

May I find comfort during the difficult seasons,

times of loss and darkness let me find You.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,

for they shall have their fill.

I trust in You that justice and mercy will find it’s path,

even if I do not see it happening.

Jesus, said, blessed are you!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 58:7-10

  • How can you re-word the phrase, “Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your wound shall be quickly healed” to have meaning in your spiritual life today?
  • Isaiah reveals in the scripture that when your works for others, God is there. In what other scripture passage do you hear this message?  What is the significance of this?

1Corinthians 2:1-5

  • St. Paul is saying there is nothing getting in the way of the word he is preaching. What kind of things can get in the way in some of your conversations with others? What do you sometimes hide behind?
  • Is there a situation in your life right now where you need be more like St Paul in this scripture and be honest?    

Matthew 5:13-16

  • Personify salt, light and a city on a mountain. What qualities would each of these have?  What qualities do you emulate? Are there qualities you can cultivate into your life?
  • You can have not enough salt or too much salt, or not enough light or too much light. How does this concept apply to your spiritual life?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Good can come from suffering; how can something you have suffered through be a benefit to another person?
  • Share an example of how God is behind you doing good things for others.
  • From the time Jesus was born, he was “light”. The Shepherds and Magi found him by following the star. Simeon and Anna recognized the “light”. Even the fishermen on the shore were drawn to the “light” so that they left everything behind to follow it. How do you let the “light” of Jesus shine in your life?
  • Do you like to share? What is something you like to share?
  • Are there things in your life that you don’t like to share? Why?
  • The world has an “it’s all about ME” attitude but Jesus calls you to fill the needs of your neighbors. Consider your actions in the past week, when did you have an “it’s all about ME” attitude? What could you have done differently to have an attitude of Christ?
  • Do you hide a bad habit, negative behavior or addiction from others? You cannot hide your true-self from God. Create a strategy to bring what you hide from others to light so God’s grace, mercy and forgiveness can help you overcome.
  • Imagine God read all of your emails and text messages this past week, viewed all of the websites you viewed, and listened to the top 25 songs on your playlist. Would they reflect God’s love?
  • When was the last time you put your own agenda aside in order to help another person?  What was the outcome? Where there any benefits or consequences to your action?
  • When do you call out to God for help? What type of things do you want/need God’s help with?
  • Reflect on a struggle you have right now. Consider the struggle from another person’s point of view. How might God see the same struggle? How can your faith give you a different perspective?
  • When you look through human understanding, it doesn’t make sense that death on a cross gives eternal life. Faith says differently. Is there anything you are anxious about or causes you worry that needs the power of God?
  • What gives your life flavor?
  • How do you think God wards off gloom in your life?  Give examples.
  • What does it look like to rely fully on God for your happiness?
  • Have you ever claimed to know more than you really do?  When?  What was the circumstance?  How did the situation turn out for you?
  • How can you shine the spotlight on the good works of another?
  • Make a list of all of the things which produce light. What produces darkness?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Through compassion I give and receive;

ALL:  Your mercy endures forever!

Leader:  Through understanding, watching and waiting;

ALL:  Your patience endures forever! 

Leader:  Through good works, for myself and others;

ALL:  Your justice endures forever!

Leader:  Through forgiveness, I offer and accept; 

ALL:  Your grace endures forever!

Leader:  Through eternal life given through death;

ALL:  Your love endures forever!

Challenge for the Week

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab and copy and start the journey!

Sunday, January 22nd Readings

3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer

God, my creator, You give me the breath of life.

Jesus, my mentor, You call me to follow you.

Spirit, my companion, You are with me always.

You show me the path and teach me to be a disciple.

May I always walk in Your light and share Your love.


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 8:23-9:3

• Where do you see darkness in the world today? Do you think God can dispel this darkness? Are there things YOU can do to bring light to these dark places?

• Anguish and gloom have hovered over the people in the Old Testament. Think about a time when you could relate to feeling this way. What brought you out of this dark time?

1Corinthians 1:10-13,17

• What causes people to quarrel? What is the disagreement in this reading? What makes people have to learn for themselves and not learn from others mistakes?

• Can positive things come from disagreements? Where have you seen good or growth come from conflict?

Matthew 4:12-23

• Two sets of brothers dropped everything and immediately followed Jesus. What do you think they saw in Jesus that would make them do that? Do you think they had regrets?

• Could you drop everything in your life and leave? What would you have a hard time leaving behind?

General Questions for Journaling

• Identify any darkness which occupies your soul. What creates the darkness? How can you work to bring light into the darkness?

• Describe the feeling you have when you see a light in the distance though the darkness. Compare it to your spirituality.

• Who are people in the world today who are “beacons of light”? The world celebrates public figures who make contributions to society such as Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela or Martin Luther King JR. Name some of the people whom you look to for inspiration? Whom you revere or respect? What qualities do they possess which you want to emulate?

• If you saw Jesus “strolling” along the Sea of Galilee, would you approach Him? Sit and meditate. Let the scene play out in your mind. Allow Jesus to talk with you.

• What do you desire? What do you long for? How do you work to satisfy this desire or longing?

• When you daydream, what do you dream about? Do you give these daydreams any attention in your “everyday life”? Do you share these dreams with God or others?

• Could you like John the Baptist stand up for what is right even if it meant you would have to suffer? What would be worth the sacrifice?

Closing Prayer – Psalm 27:1, 4, 13-14

ALL: The Lord is my light and my salvation whom should I fear?

The Lord is my life’s refuge; of whom should I be afraid?

One thing I ask of the Lord; this I seek;

to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,

That I may gaze on the loveliness of the Lord

and contemplate his temple.

I believe that I shall see the bounty of the Lord

in the land of the living, wait for the Lord with courage;

be stouthearted, and wait for the Lord.

Challenge for the Week: Go deeper into your meditation this week and consider your path of discipleship. Jesus said, “Come and follow me”, “Leave behind your nets”, “ I will make you fishers of men”, “Your lives will never be the same”. He still calls you in this way…by name. Have you left behind your nets? What are some of the things you still hang onto? What does it mean to be “fishers of men”? Are you working to bring others to Christ? Do you seek out those in need and share God’s love and mercy with them? How has following God changed your life?

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab and copy and start the journey!

Sunday, September 18th Readings

25th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


How can I help my neighbor?

          I can barely care for myself.

What do I have to offer?

          I don’t have any more to spare.

Lead me to find the resources

          I need to care not only for myself

                   but for others too!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Amos 8:4-7

  • Who are the poor today? Who are those who take advantage of the poor? What can you do to correct an unjust situation?
  • Who is responsible for the people in need?  How do your actions change when you are responsible for meeting the needs of others? Do you pass people by because it is not “your responsibility” or because you believe “someone else will stop to help”?
  • How do you feel called to care for the poor? What do you do to live out this call? What are you willing to sacrifice to provide for those you are responsible to care for? Be specific.

1Timothy 2:1-8

  • St Paul challenges to take the “Good News” out. Who do you share the Gospel with? Could you do more?
  • Paul also encourages you to pray for those in authority. What specific prayers can you pray for those in leadership roles in your country? Write down your prayers and pray them this week.
  • Have you ever given something up for another person? What was it and for whom did you give it up?

Luke 16:1-13

  • The steward is dishonest, however very clever. How might you model his behavior to promote honesty?
  • How can you better use the resources you have been given to make a positive difference in the world, in your life or in someone else’s life?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Have you ever been exploited? Have you exploited another?
  • Have you ever been oppressed? Have you oppressed another?
  • Greed is one of the seven deadly sins, yet it exists in plain sight in society. Sometimes it is even unrecognizable as sin. Spend some time thinking about where greed may have worked its way into your life or the life of your family. What can you do to get rid of the greed?
  • Identify a time when you have been greedy. What did it feel like? What was the situation? From whom did you with-hold or take from?
  • Is there an injustice which needs your attention? How does scripture lead you to a solution?
  • What causes people in the world today to get angry? What are some of the arguments going on in the world right now? How would lifting your hands to God help?
  • Have you ever had someone be a mediator in your life to help resolve a situation?
  • When have you helped two people work out an issue? How did you handle the situation? What was the outcome?
  • The United States is accustomed to a standard of living that greatly outweighs the “norms” in most other countries. What do you do or can you do to acknowledge the gifts you have?  What do you do or can you do to acknowledge others in the world who are less fortunate?
  • Your actions say a lot and can make a big difference even if you don’t feel like it or see the change. What is something you do or can do to help stop injustice in the world?
  • Have you ever been on a mission trip? Gone to another country to serve? Helped out monetarily for someone to go? Or donated to help with recovery efforts when a natural disaster occurred? Reflect on the emotions you felt because of that experience.
  • How do you take your faith outside of the church doors?  How do you live it each day of the week?
  • The actions in the first reading contradict the actions in the Gospel. Why? What are we to learn from this contradiction?
  • The Bible says, “You cannot serve both God and mammon.” Identify ways this is true in the world, your country, your family, and in your own spiritual life.
  • Is it possible to love your neighbor and also love money? Why or why not. Is having money or wealth bad? Explain.
  • Have you ever squandered something away or spent extravagantly? Share.
  • Do you save things or hold things back for future generation? If so what?  For what purpose?
  • In today’s society, you might feel many people act as if they are entitled to a certain way of living. What can you do to change this way of thinking before it becomes an epidemic? What does the scripture readings this week say to do?
  • How do you see church and state, regardless of the law? Do you believe they are separate? Do you think they interact? Do you agree they should be separate? Why or why not?
  • How many people do you know that you would describe as trustworthy?
  • How do you serve God? How do you serve society? Which one wins?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  When I feel trampled

ALL:  you come to pick me up!

Leader:  When I am in need

ALL:  you find a way to satisfy!

Leader:  When I call out to you

ALL:  you listen to my plea!

Leader:  When I hold back

ALL:  you urge me to give more!

Leader:  When I surrender

ALL:  you give abundantly!

Challenge for the Week:  You can allow your mind to justify a lie.  There are even adjectives for a lie to help you, such as, a little lie, a big lie, or a white lie.  You can tell yourself a lie, even just a little tweak to the truth is necessary to avoid hurting a person’s feelings or that twisting the truth is harmless because the actual facts don’t really matter.  However, none of this is true.  A lie is a lie and when you lie, it often catches up with you. 

When have you told a lie?  Did you lie to get out of something you didn’t want to do?  Did you lie to make someone feel better?  Did you lie so you didn’t have to deal with the truth?  Are there lies you have told which have no meaning?  Sometimes one lie causes you to tell another lie and another until you lose track of the truth and you can begin to believe our own lies.  Spend time this week meditating on a recent lie you told, was it a slip of the tongue or is there something you are hiding?  Once you’ve determined what you have done, figure out how you will make it right.

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab and copy and start the journey!

Sunday, July 3rd Readings

14th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer
You knew life would be hard.
You knew there would be challenges.
You knew the choices would be difficult.
But you sent Jesus to model how to show
mercy, give forgiveness and be obedient to You.
Through Jesus’ example,
you taught me that your grace is enough
to carry me through anything hard,
challenging or difficult that might come my way.
Thank you for your grace, mercy, forgiveness
and especially your love.
I know you are with me
in the valleys and on the mountain tops,
Lord, I trust you will carry me!

Journal/Reflection Questions
Isaiah 66:10-14c

  • Where do you see God rejoicing today?
  • How does the imagery of a mother’s love hold true for you? Where might it fall short? Is there a better image for God to use to describe His love?

Galatians 6:14-18

  • Where do you see God’s grace in the world?
  • What does it mean to be a new creation?
  • In addition to your faith, what else do you value greatly?

Luke 10:1-12, 17-20 or 10:1-9

  • How are humans like lambs? How are they like the wolves?
  • Where do you see examples of lambs and wolves in the world?
  • What is the harvest Jesus is speaking of in this scripture? Why are the laborers few?
  • How do you see yourself in this scripture?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Describe your connection to your church, parish or place of worship. What is your connection to the community? What need(s) does the community meet in your life?
  • Do you believe the church holds the same purpose it did when they first began to form? Why or why not? What is the same or different?
  • Has God’s love for His people changed over time or does it remain the same? Does God love you as He did Adam & Eve? King David? Mary, Mother of Jesus? Jesus?
  • What laws of the world are non-negotiable? Why are they so?
  • Where do you see influences of the world and the laws of people in your household?
  • Where do you see influences of Jesus in your household?
  • How is peace achieved in your life? How often do you achieve resting in peace?
  • Where do you see mercy shown? What can you do show mercy to others more regularly? Are there opportunities which you sidestep?
  • How do you welcome others? Share a specific situation.
  • Where do you share peace? To whom do you give peace? From whom do you receive peace? How can you have it more abundantly?

Closing Prayer
Leader: Fill my heart with love and compassion
ALL: so I might bring comfort to a child.
Leader: Fill my heart with love and compassion
ALL: so I might see where my help is needed.
Leader: Fill my heart with love and compassion
ALL: so I might trust you more.
Leader: Fill my heart with love and compassion
ALL: so I might show love more deeply.
Leader: Fill my heart with love and compassion
ALL: so I might open my arms to others.
Leader: Fill my heart with love and compassion
ALL: so I know I am enough!

Challenge for the Week: Saint Paul in the second reading notes how the people are arguing over the laws of circumcision. He is telling them it doesn’t matter because Jesus came to save all people, circumcised or not. People are still taking sides on issues today. Make a list of some of the things people are arguing about today. Are any of them keeping you from seeing your neighbor as Christ calls you to see them? Have you treated another with neglect, disregard or judged them based on the stand they take on a specific issue or law? Paul is not saying, don’t have an opinion. He is telling the Galatians that these differences should not distract from the fact that the love of God and the sacrifice of Jesus should be what really matters. How will you live out this scripture passage in the coming days, weeks, months? Make a commitment for a specific change to see how it affects you and those around you.

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Sunday, February 20th Readings

7th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


When you look at me,

You see me through loving eyes,

holy, forgiven and complete.

When I look at myself,

I see me through condemning eyes,

as a sinner and not enough.

Through your Word,

let me learn how to see me

and others as you see!


Journal/Reflection Questions

1 Samuel 26 :2, 7-9, 12-13, 22-23

  • How do you think those with David felt about his actions against Saul? What would you think if you were one of them?
  • What does David’s response say about his character? Is there something there which you’d like to see more of in people today? Be specific.

 1 Corinthians 15:45-49

  • How do you struggle with the “earthly” and the “spiritual” within yourself?
  • Have you thought of yourself as “spirit-filled”? How can the thought of being “spirit-filled” change how your look at the situations you face today? How does it change how you treat others?

Luke 6:27-38

  • Do you give to God in the “measure” in which you want God to give to you? *(God gives 100%, 24/7 regardless of what you give)
  • Is what Jesus is saying in this scripture realistic? Why or why not?

General Questions for Journaling

  • How easy or difficult is it to put God in charge of transgressions and retributions? What is it about humans that makes them want to take matters into their own hands? Specifically identify how you relate to this.
  • Do you believe one person’s life is worth more than another? For example, a mother of four vs an ordained sister, or a Leader of State vs a homeless person, explain.
  • Have you experienced God’s faithfulness in your life? Share a specific example so others can see God’s faithfulness too.
  • In your opinion, what makes a person “anointed”? What other opinions might be out there?
  • Can you spend quality time with people whom have different opinions and/or beliefs than you? Is this barrier too big to put aside for even a little while? Share an example.
  • Where do you rank respect on a scale of 1-10 in relationships? Is it different for your spouse? Your parents? Your boss? Your kids? Your friends? Your pastor? Your neighbor?
  • When you look at yourself do you see God? In what way?
  • Can you see God in others? Share examples.
  • Are there people whom you have a hard time seeing God? Share examples.
  • What measurement do you judge people against? What is the thing(s) that you judge the most? Race? Poverty? Religion? Job? Clothing?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  In those moments when I feel abandoned…

ALL:  Pour your gift of love upon me!

Leader:  In those moments when I am filled with anger…

ALL:  Pour your gift of love upon me!

Leader:  In those moments when plans change…

ALL:  Pour your gift of love upon me!

Leader: In those moments when I receive the results…

ALL:  Pour your gift of love upon me!

Leader:  In those moments when I can’t see past today…

ALL:  Pour your gift of love upon me!

Leader:  In those moments when I lay myself before you…

ALL:  Pour your gift of love upon me!

Challenge for the Week:  This week consider the barriers you build in your life to keep people at a distance.  Some of the barriers are built to protect you from being hurt yourself or inflicting pain on another, while others are built out of arrogance because you are not open to listening to another person’s view.  Spend time this week reflecting on the barriers you have built in relationships, especially in your family.  How have these become obstacles to spending time together and not just time, but quality time, when you can come together and genuinely enjoy each other.  No one has the same experiences as you, nor the same opinion.  Even siblings raised by the same parents have different memories of the same experience; imagine the greater scale of this scenario to include experiences in your community, the US and the world.  What steps can you take to break down barriers starting in your family relationships and allow the differences bring you together instead of keeping you apart?  (HINT:  This just might be something that needs a bit more time than a week – Lent is coming!)

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Sunday, February 13th Readings

6th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


Throughout the Bible are stories of hope

Open my eyes to see the hope in the world today

Let me hear the stories where hope is restored

And be a living example that hope never dies


Journal/Reflection Questions

Jeremiah 17:5-8

  • Draw a picture of the two images described in this scripture.
  • Share a time when you experienced both images, what was going on in your life, be specific about who was with you and what you felt.

 1 Corinthians 15:12, 16-20

  • Does this scripture bring you hope? Explain how.
  • How does the promise of the resurrection affect your faith? Be specific.

Luke 6:17, 20-26

  • What is the overall message Jesus to sharing with the people who have gathered to hear him speak?
  • What is the message Jesus has intended for you to hear in this scripture to help open your eyes to a situation in your life right now?

General Questions for Journaling

  • How do you feel about God giving free will? Is it good? Is it bad? How does free will get you into trouble?  How does it free you?
  • Are there choices you have made in your life which you wish you could change? Do you can do something about that choice now?
  • Is it easy or difficult to change? Do you always get to choose to change?  How can making the choice to change affect your attitude?
  • Who do you confide in to help make decisions? What qualities do you look for in a person who helps you?
  • What draws you to ask God for help? Are there obstacles which keep you from seeking God’s advice in matters?
  • How do you feel about trust? Is trust important to you? Is it something people have immediately or do you believe people need to earn it?
  • How much trust do you put in God? How much trust do you believe God has in you?
  • Would you describe yourself as someone who is open to new ideas and new ways to do things or do you consider yourself someone who is comfortable with the way things are and have always been? Share an example.
  • How would you explain the hope you have in the resurrection to someone who doesn’t know about Jesus?
  • Do you believe faith is a choice you make every day or is a choice you made once and it stays with you?
  • Share an example of a time when your faith was challenged; be specific about what you did, how you felt and the outcome.

Closing Prayer

Leader:  I will rejoice

ALL:  in the rising of the sun!

Leader:  I will rejoice

ALL:  in the delicate snowflake!

Leader:  I will rejoice

ALL:  in the blooming flower!

Leader: I will rejoice

ALL:  in the simplicity of a smile!

Leader:  I will rejoice

ALL:  in the warmth of a hand!

Leader:  I will rejoice

ALL:  in the hope you give!

Challenge for the Week:  Do you have a faith story?  Of course, you do!  Just like in the business world where people have “elevator speeches” which describe and highlight their accomplishments and successes; Christians should have a faith story.  Spend time this week putting together your own personal faith story; include pivotal moments, desert places and mountain top experiences.  Include specific scripture passages which carried you through the bad times or sustain you in the good times.  Write it down and then put it in your Bible so it can be added to the many other stories of our salvation HIS-tory!

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Sunday, February 6th Readings

5th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


I hear you calling but I’m held back by…

fear and resentment

judgment and selfishness

sin and shame

Wipe away those things that bind me

Let me walk with you to edge

and take the leap of faith!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8

  • Whom do you fear? Of what are you afraid? Where does your fear come from?
  • How to you tell God you are ready to do His will?

 1Corinthians 15:1-11 (15:3-8, 11)

  • Have you fallen asleep to the purpose you have been called for? What can you do to find the passion and drive to go on?
  • How would you describe someone who is “fit” to serve God?

 Luke 5:1-11

  • When have you doubted God? What was your situation? How did God change your heart?
  • Are there people who are in deep waters who need you to come and bring them to the shore?

General Questions for Journaling

  • How has God made you worthy of His love?
  • Have you ever been paralyzed by fear? What was the situation? How did you overcome the fear?
  • How has your life been shaken up? Where was God during the storm?
  • What has God called you to do? Do you minimize the importance of your purpose?
  • How many people from the Bible (old and new testaments) can you name who encountered God but felt they were not worthy?
  • How many people from the Bible (old and new testaments) can you name whose lives were changed when they took a leap of faith to trust God entirely?
  • How is grace distributed?
  • What “work” is required to receive faith? Grace? Love?
  • Do you think God asks you to do things you are not capable or qualified to do? Why or why not?
  • How do you go about asking someone to do a big task? Do you just give them the big task or do you break it down into some smaller tasks to make sure they will be able to handle the big task?  Be specific.

Closing Prayer

Leader: You created me with the will to choose…

ALL:  Let me choose YOU!

Leader:  You gave me a name and purpose…

ALL:  Let me serve YOU!

Leader:  You walk the road ahead of me…

 ALL:  Let me follow YOU!

Leader:  You call me into the deep waters…

ALL:  Let me trust YOU!

Leader:  You welcome me to the shore…

ALL:  Let me be there with YOU!

Challenge for the Week:  Spend time reflecting this week on a time in your life that is comparable to the experience of the fishermen…when was God asking you to do something you didn’t want to do because you thought you had exhausted all possibilities.  Did you do as He asked anyways?  Did you choose to ignore the suggestion and go a different direction?  Regardless of which path you took, share your story with someone to show how God blew you out of the deep water and onto the shore and how you would do it all over again (the same or differently) as a witness of your faith.

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Sunday, January 30th Readings

4th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


You knew me before I was born

You know where my path leads

You continue to love and guide me

You open your arms to welcome me


Journal/Reflection Questions

Jeremiah 1 :4-5, 17-19

  • Jeremiah is trying to stir up the people to prepare for battle; what battles are you gearing up for which require you to be firm in your faith and understanding of who God is to you?
  • Who cries out for peace and justice today? What do they say? Do people believe and follow?
  • What are you willing to stand up to protect? Share an example.

1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13

  • What does this scripture tell you about love? Have you seen love like this?
  • How do you learn of love? How is love taught? Where does it come from? Does love have limits? Is there a capacity for love?
  • What does hope bring to your life? What does faith bring? What does love bring? How do the three things work together?

Luke 4:21-30

  • What does it mean to be humble? How is humility shown in this scripture?
  • Are there people in your life whom you have a hard time believing? What is it that causes you not to trust their words or actions?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Are there things in your life which you are willing to die for?
  • What are things which require a fight? Are you fighting or simply a spectator?
  • Do you feel called to step up and step in to lessen an injustice? What holds you back?
  • Where does your strength to fight an injustice come from? Is it provoked from outside or stirred up from inside?
  • Share an example where dealing with conflict in a peaceful manner gave the desired result. Share an example where dealing with conflict with aggression gave the desired result.  Which is the better way?
  • Does God ask too much of you? When?  How?
  • Can good come from bad things? How does one grow through conflict?
  • Can you love too much? Why or why not?
  • Can you be loved too much? Why or why not?
  • Where have you seen love fail? What initiated the breakdown and what was the result of the failure?
  • Share an example of when love broke down hate, either a personal experience or one you witnessed.
  • Is it easy or difficult to change an attitude? What are some key factors in doing so?
  • How does the name of Jesus provoke you to love?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  You created me out of love…

ALL:  without YOU I am nothing!

Leader: You breathed life into me…

ALL:  without YOU I am nothing!

Leader:  You gave me a purpose…

ALL:  without YOU I am nothing!

Leader:  You laid out the laws…

ALL:  without YOU I am nothing!

Leader:  You cleared a path…

ALL:  without YOU I am nothing!

Leader:  You surrendered and died…

ALL:  without YOU I am nothing!

Leader:  You rose and gave me new life…

ALL:  without YOU I am nothing!

Challenge for the Week:  Make a list of ways people can say and show love.   How many can you come up with?  Are there ways in which love can be expressed that you don’t feel comfortable sharing?  When you give love, do you always get love in return?  Sometimes we do and other times the love we give isn’t reciprocated…is that a requirement of love?  Be mindful of the love you give this week, does it have limits, restrictions, requirements?  Does the love you receive from others?  Reflect on the second reading as you focus on love; what is your heart needing to hear?

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting