Sunday, September 10th Readings

Opening Prayer


How can I care for others

          like you care for me?

Help me to see more like you,

          so I might be more giving.

Give me a heart like you,

          so I can love and show mercy.

Open my ears and my arms,

          to hear the cry and give comfort.

You ask nothing more than for us

          to love you and love others;

Let us pray together and heal the world!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Ezekiel 33:7-9

  • Who has God appointed you watchman over? What are your responsibilities as watchman? 
  • How will God hold us accountable for our sins? How will He hold us accountable for the sins of others?

Romans 13:8-10

  • God asks nothing but to love one another; how well do you show love to others?
  • What obstacles hold you back from giving and showing love to your neighbor?
  • How do you define neighbor? Is it the same way God defines neighbor?

Matthew 18:15-20

  • What does this scripture tell you about the power of prayer? What does it tell you about the power of community? Share a personal experience when you saw this power firsthand.
  • How have you testified/How can you testify to the power of prayer?
  • When have you seen/heard someone testify to the power of prayer?

General Questions for Journaling

  • When do you feel safe? Where are you? Who is with you?
  • Share a time when you did not feel safe. What caused you to feel this way? How did you overcome the feeling?
  • Are there places, people or situations you avoid because you fear them?
  • How do you think those who are put into the position of “watchman” in the community or world do in their role? Find a good example.
  • Who watches over you? How do they watch over you? Share an example.
  • Do you believe there are prophets today? Who do you identify as present-day prophet? What tells you they are a prophet?
  • How does your life bear witness to the goodness of God?
  • If you could give yourself a grade for how well you keep the commandments, what would your grade card say?
  • Make a list of the things you love about yourself. Is it easy or difficult to come up with 10 things?
  • Jesus said to love one another even when it is difficult. Are you shutting yourself off from a relationship or relationships for fear of getting hurt?
  • Is there a relationship you need to give some attention to this week? Something in need of repair?
  • Is it easy or difficult to take responsibility for your actions?
  • Share a time when you refused to listen to the thoughts of another person. What was the circumstance? Did you ever end up hearing their opinion?
  • How are you an advocate of your faith? In your family? In your workplace?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord you are present in all things

ALL:  May I not ignore the gentle nudges of my heart.

Leader:  Lord you are present in all things

ALL:  May I not ignore the gentle whisper in my soul.

Leader:  Lord you are present in all things

ALL:  May I not ignore the gentle invitation of faith.

Challenge for the Week:  This week, look up the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman.  He has determined humans show love in five different ways.  Read through these and determine if you relate to one or more of them.  Do you agree with his assessment, or do you think there are more or less ways to express love?  Which would you say is your preferred way to express love to others?  Which would you say is your preferred way to receive love from others?  How does God show love to you?  Does it fit into one of these five ways?  When you look at the way God loves and compare it to the way you love others, what can you do to love more like God? 

Sunday, September 3rd Readings

22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


You came to find the lost.

You came to rescue the imprisoned.

You came to save the sinner.

I am lost, imprisoned and a sinner.

May I allow myself to be found.

May I allow myself to be rescued.

May I allow myself to be saved.

I am found, rescued and saved.

Thank you Jesus, you are my Savior!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Jeremiah 20:7-9

  • Can you imagine being “duped” by God? What would (did) it look like? What was the purpose? 
  • Do you believe God wants us to be “duped”?
  • Describe what it feels like to feel something in your bones? Have you ever felt something so deep? Share the experience.

Romans 12:1-2

  • How does the study of scripture help you to transform your mind? How does this transformation change your words and actions; be specific.
  • What does Saint Paul mean when he says, “don’t conform yourself to this age?” How does this specifically speak to you?

Matthew 16:21-27

  • What cross are you called to pick up today? Are you able to pick it up? Is your cross light or heavy? Explain.
  • If God does not think the way that humans do, how is it you are able to understand what God wants for you?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Does oppression happen in this world? Who do you know is oppressed?  How do you know? What do you do about it? Do you suffer from oppression?
  • How do you know God is driving your actions or if you are following your own desire? How can you tell which way God is calling you to go?
  • How does it feel to lose something? Describe the process of letting go.
  • How do you feel when you find something? How would you describe the process of finding a place for the thing you found?
  • Are there injustices in the world which break your heart? Are there injustices which occur that cause your gut to ache? Is the Holy Spirit calling you to do something about it?
  • What was the last exciting news you shared and with whom did you share it? What was your purpose for sharing? Was it your news to share?
  • What was the last disappointing news you shared and with whom did you share it? What was your purpose for sharing? Was it your news to share?
  • Have you ever risked being made fun of to stand up for what you believe? Share the experience.
  • How can you give strength to another who is standing up for what they believe in, even if you don’t agree?
  • Have you ever been thankful for suffering? What was the circumstance?  Why were you thankful?
  • What does it mean to “lose your life” according to God? What does it mean to “lose your life” according to the world?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Lord fill me…

ALL:  with reckless desire for you!

Leader:  Lord fill me…

ALL:  with unending compassion for others!

Leader:  Lord fill me…

ALL:  with raging fire for justice!

Leader:  Lord fill me

ALL:  with determination to do your will!

Leader:  Lord fill me

ALL:  with the ability to surrender,

Leader:  so I can be

ALL:   more like you each day!

Challenge for the Week:  In your life, you have positive and negative influences.  How do you determine which are the good ones and which are the bad ones?  They are not always clear.  There are times when there is a positive influence that you ignore because you are not in a good place yourself and other times when you are too close to a situation to see you are being influenced in a negative way.  How can you know?  When you turn to God for help and clarity, He can bring to light what is good and what is evil but are you willing to listen?  Spend time this week looking at the things which influence your life and prayerfully consider how the people and things you allow into our daily life affect you in a positive or negative way.  Summer is about to end and with the change of the season; you too should take time to change. 

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab a copy and start the journey!

Sunday, August 27th Readings

21st Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


Vast is Your love for me,

          let me see it each day!

Endless are the gifts You give,

          let me show gratitude!

Abundant is the mercy You grant,

          let me share it with others!

You surround me with what I need

          and guide me through,     

                   my ups and downs.

Forever You are with me; 

          You are my all in all!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Isaiah 22:19-23                            

  • Imagine yourself as Eliakim. How does it feel to be called God’s servant? Can you see yourself being given a place of honor in God’ house? 
  • How does God show His authority in this reading? How can you allow God to have authority over your life? Who has authority now?

Romans 11:33-36

  • Describe what “riches” Saint Paul is referring to in this scripture. 
  • How might you seek to know what God is thinking? How does one “know God’s mind”?

Matthew 16:13-20

  • Explain why the disciples and others would compare Jesus to Jeremiah, Elijah and John the Baptist? 
  • Who do you say Jesus is? Do you tell him? Do you tell others?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Where do God’s blessings come from? Are they given on purpose or by accident? How do you know?
  • How does God inhabit your life?  Be specific.
  • What are the things you don’t understand about God? What are the things that you DO understand about God? How does the knowledge of these things affect your faith?
  • What experience(s) have taught you about the meaning of the words, eternal, everlasting, forever?  What have you learned?
  • How can faith help you to let go of past hurts, worries or tragedy?
  • Do you see God’s plan for you? What makes you know for sure this is the path God intends for you?
  • Is the work you do or the job you have one you choose or one you “fell into”? Could this have any bearing on your attitude toward it? 
  • Do you feel you are using the gifts God gave you to complete the tasks required of your job?
  • Are you fulfilling your vocation in the position you hold? Do you feel as though God choose you to do the work you do?
  • How does Jesus reveal himself to you?  Where are you?  What is the situation?  How do you carry the experience with you?
  • How is it that Jesus makes Peter the “ROCK” on which to build His church but Peter denies knowing Jesus three times? How does this make you feel?
  • What qualities of Peter make him the perfect example of a disciple?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  I am humbly in Your presence…

ALL:  when I allow the silence to take over.

Leader:  I am humbly in Your presence…

ALL:  as I pause to give thanks before a meal.

Leader:  I am humbly in Your presence…

ALL:  when I look into the eyes of an innocent child.

Leader:  I am humbly in Your presence…

ALL:  as hear the rumble of thunder and crack of lightning.

Leader:  I am humbly in Your presence…

ALL:  when I see a couple holding hands.

Leader:  I am humbly in Your presence…

ALL:   as I open my heart and mind to the wisdom of your Spirit!

Challenge for the Week:  Growing up in the church, I’ve heard the phrase, “clothed in Christ”.  As a child I would imagine literally wearing a white robe like the one we see Jesus wearing in many of the pictures of him.  Now as an adult, this phrase takes on much more meaning since it is really a figurative phrase.  What are specific ways a person can be “clothed in Christ”?  Spend time this week reflecting on these ways and then focus on yourself, discerning how you too are “clothed in Christ.  In your prayer time, ask God to help you move your thinking so you can take ownership of this phrase and believe it when you say, “I am clothed in Christ!”

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab a copy and start the journey!

Sunday, July 30th Readings

17th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer

Heavenly Father

Guide me and teach me

to know what it means to be a treasure

Open my eyes

to the treasures You have given to me each day

Lead me to seek

the treasures You have waiting for me in Your Word;

a heart of gold,

an attitude lined with silver

and infinite wealth.


Journal/Reflection Questions

1Kings 3:5,7-12

  • The word understanding in Hebrew means obedient. What are your definitions of the words understanding and obedient? How do they differ? How are they similar?
  • How does this scripture passage model prayer for us? Does Solomon do all of the talking? How does God respond? How is this similar or different to how you pray? 
  • King Solomon is noted as being a very wise person. How does his wisdom show through this scripture?

Romans 8:28-30

  • Have there been experiences in your life where able to relate to this adage of “all things work together for good?” Can you see where God was/is in the experience?
  • Does this scripture mean that when bad things happen, God is not there? How would you explain what this scripture means to some who has experienced darkness, abandonment, or loss in their life?

Matthew 13:44-52

  • What does the phrase “kingdom of God” mean to you?
  • How do you hear God speaking to you in your life? Is it a whisper? A shout? How do you respond?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Do you listen to your dreams? What do they tell you?
  • How do you feel about your enemies? Do you have enemies?
  • How do your instincts differ from what God wants?
  • What kind of “wisdom” comes from age?
  • Do you believe that “youth” is an age or a frame of mind? Explain.
  • What obstacles do you believe you have that keep you from being the best you can be?
  • What are the blessings you want from God?  Be specific.
  • Make a list of good things God has provided for you.
  • Make a list of bad things that have happed because your love God.
  • Is there a situation in your life right now which you need to let God shed some light on? Do you believe it will make a difference?
  • Do you sometimes feel like you are playing hide and seek with God? Who is hiding? Where do you hide?
  • How do see heaven? What do you believe it is?
  • Where do you find security? Is it real? How do you know?
  • What confirmation do you have that you are living the life God calls you to live?

Closing Prayer

Solomon’s Prayer

ALL:  Therefore give to Your servant

an understanding heart to judge Your people,

that I may discern between good and evil. 

Challenge for the Week:  Spend time this week breaking down each request in this prayer.  How can you put this prayer into practice, so it isn’t just a bunch of words you pray?  As you are discerning the actions you should take to bring this prayer to life, pray it each morning, each noontime and before you go to bed.  It is short enough that you might be able to memorize it quickly and add it to your daily prayers from now on.

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab a copy and start the journey!

Sunday, July 9th Readings

14th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer

Christ within me,

How I struggle!

I move forward but leave you behind.

I trip and fall, then cry out to you.

My heart knows you are with me.

My will says I can do it alone.

It is a constant battle!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Zechariah 9:9-10

  • The scripture describes a king riding in on a donkey…how do these things go together (King and Donkey)? Where do you see these together in the New Testament?  Share how the two passages are similar and different?
  • Share a time when God won a victory for you. What was the battle?  What did you struggle with and how did God help you overcome the obstacle?

Romans 8:9,11-13

  • What burdens/benefits come from being human vs. divine?
  • If the Holy Spirit dwells in you, how does this change your perspective of yourself? What about if it dwells in others?  Does it affect your perception of them?  How and why?

Matthew 11:25-30

  • What does it mean that God’s yoke is easy?
  • Describe what it feels like to ‘rest’ in God. What does it look like, smell like, taste like, sound like?

General Questions for Journaling

  • How did Jesus show humility? Share specific examples for us to follow.
  • Is humility a leadership quality? Why or why not?
  • Do your actions towards others show your love for God? Share a recent example.
  • How can you tell if the Holy Spirit dwells in you? In others?
  • When might it be necessary to ‘banish’ someone from your life? What actions could be taken to do this?
  • Have your actions ever caused division between you and another person? How did your relationship with God help or hinder the situation?
  • What actions can be taken to overcome the temptations of the flesh? Have you experienced the rewards described in scriptures for doing so?
  • When have you felt the most burdened? How do you overcome it?  What helps to lighten the load?
  • What characteristics of the ‘flesh’ do you wish to shed?
  • What characteristics of the ‘spirit’ do you wish to take on?
  • Imagine a time when you were exhausted and didn’t have any strength to continue. Describe this feeling.  Where did you find strength to carry on?
  • What burdens do you carry? Are there burdens you allow others to carry for you?  Are there burdens you carry which are the responsibility of others?
  • Explain how the Father, Son and Spirit work together.

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Come, dwell in me…

ALL:  let me know meekness.

Leader:  Come, dwell in me…

ALL:  let me know humility.

Leader:  Come, dwell in me…

ALL:  let me know weakness.

Leader:  Come, dwell in me…

ALL:  let me know burdens.

Leader:  Come, dwell in me…

ALL:  let me know hunger and thirst.

Leader:  Come, dwell in me…

ALL:  let me know hurt.

Leader:  Come, dwell in me…

ALL:  so I may find rest!

Challenge for the Week:  Come to me all who are burdened and worried, I will give them rest.  Imagine a parent saying this to a child whose bedtime is quickly approaching and is showing signs of restlessness and weariness.  These words call out to the child just like they call out to you in order to soothe your spirit.  The restlessness melts away when the child is swept up into the secure arms of their parent; they know they are safe, taken care of and loved.  This is what Jesus wants for you too.  God wants you to let go and relinquish the stress and strain of the day so you can fall into His arms and let Him minister to you.  Identify the things in your life which keep you from experiencing this peace of resting in God.  What can you do to move the obstacles which stand in the way of this kind of rest?

“O Jesus!  Yoke us to yourself.  When we too hunger, give us food.  When we too thirst, or tire, or falsely witness, just let us learn to find you and to find ourselves in you!” – from a sermon by St. Augustine

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab a copy and start the journey!

Sunday, June 25th Readings

12th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer


Like a mighty champion,

          You come to my rescue!

I hide in darkness but

          You bring me into the light!

Great is your mercy and

          bounteous is Your kindness!

My heart is revived by

          Your gracious gift of grace!

I am so full of love

          that it overflows to others!

Praise your Holy Name, Jesus!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Jeremiah 20:10-13

  • Where do you see God prevail as “mighty champion”?
  • Where do you see evidence of God rescuing the “life of the poor”?
  • What is your definition of “life of the poor”?

Romans 5:12-15

  • Where do you see evidence of sin in your life? In the world? How do you find forgiveness for this sin?
  • What can you do to multiply God’s gift of grace in your life, family, community? Share examples.

Matthew 10:26-33

  • Do you find comfort or discomfort in the scripture, “nothing is concealed that will not be revealed or secret that will not be known.”
  • What has God whispered to you? Did you proclaim what you heard? Why or why not?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Have you ever felt trapped by “evil” or “sin”?
  • When have you stumbled in the face of adversity?
  • Describe suffering. What does it look like, sound like, smell like, feel like?
  • How have you trespassed against God this week? How is it/can it be resolved?
  • How have you trespassed against your neighbor this week? How is it/can it be resolved?
  • How have you trespassed against yourself this week? How is it/can it be resolved?
  • Can good come from resentment? Why or why not?
  • What are you afraid of and how do you deal with/calm the fear?
  • Is there sin you keep from God and are afraid to let go? 
  • Are there secrets you keep from others, how does keeping these secrets affect the relationship?
  • How do you acknowledge yourself as a child of God?
  • Have you ever suffered for being a Christian? Have you been ridiculed because you go to Church? Share.
  • In what ways is your faith still in the darkness? How can you bring light to it?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  When I have obstacles in my path

ALL:  I praise the Lord!

Leader:  When I am the target of slander

ALL:  I praise the Lord!

Leader:  When I feel buried in doubt

ALL:  I praise the Lord!

Leader:  When I am drowning in sorrow

ALL:  I praise the Lord!

Leader:  When I have a mountain to climb

ALL:  I praise the Lord!

Leader: When I feel walls caving in

ALL:  I praise the Lord!

Leader:  When I call out to my Lord,

ALL:  I am ready for anything!

Challenge for the Week:  John 15:26b says, “The Spirit of Truth will testify.”  It’s like if you have to testify in court, they ask you to swear on a Bible to tell the truth.  Truth is valuable but not always very easy to come by.  At an early age, “the truth” becomes subjective based on our experience, perspective, and whether telling it is going to get us into trouble.  As adults, avoiding the truth is done sometimes to avoid causing others pain and other times to protect ourselves from pain.  At the beginning of time, Adam and Eve had to speak up and tell the truth about their sinful act. God already knew what they had done…this is still true today with your sin because the “Spirit of Truth” will testify to identify it!  Consider this week the number of people whom you trust enough to tell the truth.  Can you identify ten?  Would that be easy or difficult?  What would you say are the criteria of the relationship which make you trust them with the truth?  Take time to let them know how you feel about them and that they can count on you to be truthful and trustworthy.

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab a copy and start the journey!

Sunday, June 18th Readings

11th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Opening Prayer

Creator God,

The harvest is abundant because You make it so.

You provide the soil, the sun and the nutrients to grow.

You care for the troubled and the abandoned.

You give whatever is needed, without cost.

This is the way You show Your love.


Journal/Reflection Questions

Exodus 19:2-6a

  • God called Moses to Him to share a message. What was the message. How is this message for Moses relevant to you too?
  • What significance do think there is that they pitched the tents at the front of the mountain and Moses had to go up the mountain to talk to God?

Romans 5:6-11

  • Identify three emotions you feel when you read or hear this scripture. What do each of the emotions mean?
  • Where do you see evidence of Gods love for you today?

Matthew 9:36-10:8

  • Can you relate to the disciples in the Gospel reading? In what way? Be specific.
  • When you think of the “kingdom of heaven” what do you image?

General Questions for Journaling

  • Share an example of a time when you KNOW God lifted you up from a depression or saved you from a negative situation.
  • What or who do you hold dear? Can you list at least 10?
  • When was the last time you hear God speak to you? What did He say? How did you respond?
  • What is your favorite thing in nature?  Is it an animal, a tree, an image, a feeling.
  • Scripture often refers to a shepherd and sheep. What are the references and what do you think God wants you to know/learn from this reference right now?  Are you currently a shepherd? A sheep? Both?
  • Share an example of a time when you felt like a shepherd.
  • Share an example of a time when you felt like a sheep.
  • Does knowing you are a child of God change how you see or love yourself? Why or why not?
  • Is there someone you would die for or give your life in place of? Who is it and why?
  • Does your life feel like it is in the harvest season or the drought season? Explain.
  • When you give praise and thanks to God, do you expect something in return? Why or why not?
  • Is there a cost to loving God?  If so, what is it?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  You call me up the mountain

ALL:  You walk with me each step of the way

Leader:  You call me up the mountain

ALL:  You remind me of Your promises

Leader:  You call me up the mountain

ALL:  You call me reconcile my sins

Leader:  You call me up the mountain

ALL:  You give generously of Your love

Leader:  You call me up the mountain

ALL:  And I know I am Your Beloved!

Challenge for the Week:  Many Christians ask the question, ‘have you been saved’?  This week contemplate what it means to be ‘saved’ and how it applies to you.  How does Jesus’ life and death factor into your being ‘saved’?  What does sin have to do with it?  Are there scripture verses that support your belief?  Once you’ve spent time thinking about your answer, start a conversation with someone you know by asking them what being ‘saved’ means to them and be open to their perspective.


In accounting, there are two columns, income and expenditure.  Income is a record of what is given to you and deposited into your account.  It is income that fills you and allows you to be able to pay out.  Even when you don’t have income, there are still expenses that incur, so sometimes you have to borrow in order to fulfill your obligations.  It is good practice to regularly reconcile your accounts, to see where you stand.  In the scripture this weekend, Saint Paul is telling the Romans that their lives were reconciled.  When you think about this truth in reference to the way accounts are reconciled, what does that mean to you? 

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab a copy and start the journey!

Sunday, June 11th Readings

Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ

Opening Prayer


You are the bread of life!

You are the manna sent from heaven!

Without you, I am empty!

Fill me, nourish me, and sustain me!

I will have my fill and never go hungry!

You are my daily bread!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14b-16a

  • God sent manna from heaven, how is this still true?
  • One cannot live on bread alone, how does this apply to your life?  What is the “bread” you live on?
  • What does this scripture teach you about faith in God?

1Corinthians 10:16-17

  • One cannot live on bread alone, when you receive communion, how do you feel changed?  Do you feel the same when you read God’s word?
  • What cup of blessing do you hold today?  How can you let this blessing overflow and be a blessing to others?

John 6:51-58

  • The sacrifice made by Jesus on the cross is the foundation of the Eucharist.  What do you sacrifice when you come to the altar to receive Jesus’ Body and Blood?
  • Describe how partaking in Jesus’ Body and Blood sustains you?  What does it mean to you?

General Questions for Journaling

  • What is the symbolism of the “hunger” we have in our lives in relation to God?
  • How has God delivered you from slavery?  What are you still a slave to in your life?  How can God help you become free?
  • When you receive communion, you become a living tabernacle.  How do others see Christ in you?
  • What does God provide you in order to continue on the path of discipleship?  What more do you need on your journey of faith?
  • Which commandments are easy to follow?  Which are difficult?  Why?
  • Have you had desert experiences in your life?  Can you look back and see God “feeding” you in those times? 
  • Identify a time when you were “parched”.  How did this experience affect your faith?
  • How do you see yourself as a part of the Body of Christ?
  • What is your definition of Communion? 
  • What feelings or emotions are associated with hunger?  How are they different than the emotions and feelings of being satisfied?
  • How do the scriptures help you see how God feeds you?  What can you do to be more aware of the food God supplies for your life?
  • The Word Eucharist means Thanksgiving, how is the celebration of Mass like the Thanksgiving holiday?
  • It is said, you are what you eat.  What are some bad food choices you make?  How can God help you to make better choices?
  • What are some good food choices you make?  How do they improve your spirit?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Christ before me…

ALL:  I praise YOU!

Leader:  Christ around me…

ALL:  I give you thanks!

Leader:  Christ beside me…

ALL:  I am at peace!

Leader:  Christ within me…

ALL:  I am filled with joy!

Leader:  I am Christ to others…

ALL:  Let the feast begin!

Challenge for the Week: In the Catholic Church, the Mass is separated into two parts, the Liturgy of the WORD, reading the scripture and the Liturgy of the EUCHARIST, celebrating the Body and Blood of Jesus.  In both cases, you are consuming Christ.  During COVID churches were closed, and there had been restrictions to the access to the Body and Blood of Christ.  Though participation in the celebration of Mass virtually, you could not consume the actual Body and Blood of Christ.  This was a time when the need to dive deeper into the WORD of God, the scriptures, the WORD made flesh in Jesus was essential.  This is still true today.  There are several ways to connect more deeply to the Scriptures on a daily basis to be filled.  You can read and meditate on a daily prayer book, get scripture verses sent to via text or email and you can journal or pray the rosary or a dozen other practices to help you connect and feel the abundance of Christ within you.  When you spend time reading, praying and allowing the WORD to marinate your soul, then you will know what it means to be filled with God’s WORD and be satisfied! 

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab a copy and start the journey!

Sunday, June 4th Readings

Solemnity of the Holy Trinity

Opening Prayer

Creator God,

you fill the world with all things good.

Savior God,

you came to earth to live and die for my salvation.

Spirit God,

You dwell in me so I are forever with you.

Blessed Trinity,

help me be more aware of your presence in my life!


Journal/Reflection Questions

Exodus 34:4b-6,8-9

  • How do you humble yourself before God like Moses did in this scripture?
  • What does God reveal about His character in this scripture?
  • Moses asked God to pardon your sins; what do you have a hard time pardoning? Are there things of this world which are hard for you to forgive?

2Corinthians 13:11-13

  • What do you learn about God in this scripture? About Jesus? About the Holy Spirit?
  • How does this reading suggest you live your everyday life? Is it impossible to live in this way? Why or why not?

John 3:16-18

  • “For God so loved the world”, speaks of sacrifice. Do you sacrifice things for your faith? For a relationship with God?
  • Do you sacrifice for love? Whom in your life do you love enough to sacrifice things for? Do you sacrifice freely or with expectation?

General Questions for Journaling

  • What examples in your life confirm that God is slow to anger, rich in kindness and faithful?
  • Describe God’s love. What does it look like? Feel like? Sound like?
  • How do you think God finds favor in you? Identify at least 5 things about you which God would find favor.
  • Describe a time when you were “stiff-necked and stubborn”.
  • Would God find favor in the way you treat others who are “stuck in their ways”? How do you think God would treat them?
  • What do you hold a grudge against? How can you begin to let love into that situation?
  • What sin does God look past today in order to give you love? How has God shown his love already today?
  • How do you know the Holy Spirit is with you? How can you tell when the Holy Spirit is with another person?
  • How does God show you grace? How can you show grace to another person?
  • Where do you see people being condemned today? Is there something you could do to bring peace?
  • When have you felt condemned, what did you learn from the experience?
  • Do you know a peaceful person? What qualities do they have that you would like to cultivate?
  • You are called to agree and get along with everyone, all of the time. How difficult or easy is this, why?
  • What would you say are the “core” things we all should agree upon to make this world a better place?

Closing Prayer

Leader: O Holy is YOUR name…

ALL:  Creator

Leader:  I AM

ALL:  God

Leader:  Emmanuel

ALL:  Jesus

Leader:  Savior

ALL:  Living God

Leader:  Mighty wind

ALL:  Eternal breath

Leader: Counselor

ALL:  God with us

Leader:  Holy Trinity

ALL:  Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

Challenge for the Week:  Do you know someone you would describe as an encourager?  What makes them so?  Do they encourage you or others too?  Make a point this week to encourage someone new each day.  It may be helpful to take time to reflect on some of the people you see weekly and consider what you might do or say to encourage them.  Consider people you don’t see on a regular basis who might need some encouragement and write them a note, email or make a phone call.  Also, spend time thinking about those people in your life who have been and still are encouragers to you.  Do they know how much their support means to you and how it has affected your life?  Take time to let them know how you feel and who they are a gift to your life.

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the Weekly Scripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab a copy and start the journey!

Sunday, May 28th Readings


Opening Prayer

O Blessed Spirit,

When I feel alone,

          You are there.

When I am surrounded by darkness,

          You bring light.

When I am weak,

          You are my strength.

You are my guide to stay on the path of life,

          which leads to heaven.

Fill my soul, dwell in me, FOREVER!

Journal/Reflection Questions

Acts 2:1-11

  • Where is the Holy Spirit driving you? How do you open yourself up to the mission you are called to in your life?
  • What is changed about the apostles after they are visited in the upper room? What can you take from this experience? Imagine yourself there…how does it change your perspective?
  • What keeps you from experiencing the fullness of the Holy Spirit today?

Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13

  • Each person is given a different gift of the Holy Spirit. Can you identify the gift(s) you have been given?
  • Explain the difference of being baptized in the Spirit and being baptized in water.
  • What lesson can you learn about differences from this scripture?

John 20:19-23

  • In the Old Testament, God “breathed” His breath into Adam.  What significance does this word have here in this reading? What is the correlation between the two scriptures?
  • How has the Spirit caused you to act differently? 
  • Where do you share God’s peace?  

General Questions for Journaling

  • Have you ever felt the Holy Spirit? Where was it? Did you feel it inside of you? Did you see it working around you?
  • Jesus said He sent an Advocate, a Comforter. How do you know you are not alone?
  • What can you do to build a closer relationship with the Holy Spirit?
  • What action steps are needed for you to let the Spirit into your life and help you be filled?
  • What excuses do you make to keep the Holy Spirit from entering into your being? What obstacles stand in your way of a meaningful relationship with the Holy Spirit?
  • What qualities of the Holy Spirit do you possess? What qualities of the Holy Spirit would you like to fill you?
  • In Galatians 5, St Paul shares what it means to “live in the Spirit”, what can you do to cultivate these qualities in your life?
  • How do you communicate faith with others? What language do you speak with your words and actions?
  • Do you believe in miracles? Why or why not?
  • Do think at Pentecost, they understood each other literally? Explain.
  • What can you do to understand others better? How can the gifts of the Holy Spirit help?
  • Is there a place where you feel more connected to the Holy Spirit? Jesus? God? Share.
  • Are there people in your life who are different and you appreciate their differences?
  • Are there people in your life who are different and you are frustrated by their differences?
  • What gift(s) do you hold back?
  • What can you do to share your gifts more abundantly?
  • Is peace easily found?  Why or why not?
  • Define a “peacemaker”. What qualities do you have?

Closing Prayer

Leader:  Come Holy Spirit,

ALL:  shine in my life!

Leader:  Come Spirit of Truth,

ALL:  teach me the way!

Leader:  Come Advocate,

ALL:  give me strength!

Leader:  Come Paraclete,

ALL:  bring me comfort!

Leader:  Come Presence of God,

ALL:  renew my faith!

Leader:  Come Holy Spirit,

ALL:  fill me with joy everlasting!

Challenge for the Week:  Spend time this week looking back on when Lent began twelve weeks ago with Ash Wednesday.  Since then, you have walked with Jesus through several experiences.  You have been there when He fought off the devil, raised Lazarus from the dead, washed the Disciples’ feet, was arrested, and crucified.  That was all just before Easter when He escaped death and came back for an encore to share with the Disciples that He will always be there with them until the end of time.  What has been revealed to you through this journey?  How has walking through Jesus’ last days, His suffering, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension brought you understanding or comfort?  What has been revealed to you through these experiences?

GET CONNECTED DAILY!  Find more reflections and prayers at Making Scripture Relevant on Facebook and Instagram.  Join the WeeklyScripture Journal email list by contacting

Discipleship 5K: A Physical and Spiritual Journey to the Cross by Heather Neds, author of the Weekly Scripture Journal is more than a book, it is a guide to becoming a stronger disciple.  Grab a copy and start the journey!